Part 31 – The Twilight Host
The weining sun dipped below the western sky in the land of Eregion. The shadows that were once long and streatched became softer, harder to see in the growing shadow of the gloaming. The droplets of moisture in the slightly humid air clung to the ruined stones, wetting them, and giving them a glistening glow with the rising of the moon’s ethereal radiance.
Five elves stood before Theomin, clad in armour of intricate design. While the armour of man looks straight with sharp angles, the design of the elve’s armour bended and curved delicately. The material was metal of which he had never seen, and the cloth they bore was rich and fine like an ocean of silk upon their bodies. The lead elf, who bore a mask and armour unlike the other four, spoke to Theomin, “Mae Govannen,” he said with such beauty. The voice of the elf felt like it had deep meaning, as if he not only greeted Theomin but there was an underlying relief, joy, and grief all together in one voice. “What is a man, such as you, doing in the lost land of my people, clad in cloth that more suits the men of Dunland than a man of the north?”
Theomin was not sure if the elf asked a question or just made an observant statement. “I am traveling north from Rohan,” was all Theomin said, hoping he answered the elf’s question.
“And about your cloth, traveler. You look as if you are of the north, but you are clad in the cloth of men of Dunland.”
“I am.” Theomin sounded flustered. “The men of Dunland gave me this for safe passage through their land of the Dunlandings and for healing.”
“I would advise you,” the lead elf said, “to remove your cloth. The men of the north may look upon your cloth rather unkindly. They are not good neighbors, the men of the north and Dunlandings.”
“Thank you, kind elf.” Theomin then looked at the other elves. “And what is your purpose here in this land?”
“I am Sylderan,” the elf said with no qualms, “I am the captain of the quest first started in Mirkwood, with the attempt to free it of evil and to restore the Greenwood to its former splendor. My kin and I fought through the whole of Southern Mirkwood toward the vile tower of Dol Goldur. There, we faught hard and faught long. Up the horrid hill of the tower we went, meeting up with the lady Siglith on the stairs of Dol Goldur. We all battled bravely, losing one after the other. After Siglith fell, I remember not much else as she was a dear friend and ally. She was part of our company until she had a task more
important than ours to attend to.” Sylderan looked down in sorrow. He showed much grief as he looked up and continued, “Not long after, the lady, Galadrial called upon us, giving us this quest under the name of ‘The Twilight Host.’ We have been tasked with a single purpose. To search for the safest path for our people to pass into Mithlond, The Gray Havens.”
Theomin nodded, “You have only five in your charge?”
Sylderan lowered his head in sadness as did his companions, “Regretfully no. Two we lost while still in Mirkwood. We then ventured through Moria on our way east. Rohan was not a safe pass as we have heard ill tidings of the white wizard. The dwarves and a few of our kin helped reclaim Kazad Dum for the dwarves much like they reclaimed Erabor before it. Many attempts went ill, including one attempt that a few from Thorin’s Company attempted. Balin, a dwarf of good character, died in the reclaiming of Moria. He and I spent many nights in Dale before he set off on his quest. His keen eye and great honor
struck me as impressive amongst the dwarves. He is sorely missed. The present expedition to reclaim Moria has so far succeeded but I feel evil is stiring again in its depths. Because of that evil, three we lost there.” The elf sighed, “It really is the Black Pit.”
“As of now, my company and I are venturing forth toward Mithlond. It is an honor to do this for the Lady Galadrial. Heading north we will meet with our kin in Imladres.”
“Imladres?” Theomin asked. “Where is Imladres? Is it safe for men?”
“It is quite safe but only for those who are invited there by the elves. It is a refuge for elves when this region of Eregion was lost. The location is all but secret to outsiders, men and dwarves alike. Lord Elrond, who oversees Imladres, only welcomes those who are welcomed to the valley. If you happen on any elves on your journey north, and you are in need of respite, ask for rest in the Last Homely House. If your heart is pure and are of good character, you will be welcomed.”
“I thank you Sylderan. May I ask where you are staying tonight?”
“There are some ruins to the north of here that my men and I have sought out for the night. We heard the screams and growels from the half-orcs persuing you. That is why we came. You are welcome to join us on our brief respite.” Theomin nodded and the company continued north while Sylderan continued talking. “With that in mind, traveler from Rohan, your need for close combat skills is in great need. A bow and sword training may be in order for you if you plan on staying long in the north. Few settlements have been founded there. Bree is perhaps the largest one among only a few settlements you will find. A great many miles separate each one so knowing combat is of great importance to keep you safe.”
“I have my staff and that is all I have ever needed.” Theomin rebutted.
The elf shook his head and shot Theomin a knowing look, “That may be enough for where you are from, man from Rohan, but in the wilds of Eriador, those skills are for not. They are too large and destructive. Trees and leaves are very good fuel for any fires you skills would produce. The bow and sword are both quieter and more precise.” They reached the ruins where the elves were staying the night which was only a brief walk from the other ruins. “If you run across any Dunadine Rangers, their survival skills are amongst the greatest in the wild. Even surpassing those of the elves, who have become too soft and complacent in their own households.”
“I seek a man named Saeradan. Will he help with these skills?”
“Saeradan,” the elf said, full of memory, “Saeradan is a man of good skill and knowledge but as a teacher of arms, I doubt he would help. He may know who you may need to seek. So many of those rangers have traveled south on a charge of special importance. I am shocked to hear he has stayed behind.”
“I hear he returned with the bodies of the fallen rangers.”
“Ahh, then tis a sad fate for those whose lives have ended so soon.” He looked down with rememberance, “And have you news of a ranger named Candaith?”
Theomin knew the name sounded familiar but could not place him. “I am sorry. I now I have heard the name but I know not whether he is alive or not.”
“Ah, it matters not. I hope to speak with him when it is possible. We have spent many nights exploring the lore of the Lonelands and we became quite close. Perhaps closer than I have with some of the other rangers.”
Theomin nodded knowingly. “They are good men, all.” He then looked back at the elf, “Thank you for all your help, Sylderan.” Theomin said with a smile.
“You are welcome, Theomin of Rohan.” Sylderan gave a smile back. “We set out early tomorrow so we must say our goodbyes tonight.”
“Goodbye then, elf friend. You have given me much to consider.”
“Farewell, friend from Rohan. May you safely find what you seek in Eriador.”
With that, Theomin tied up Bragga to a metal grate on one of the walls of the small elf ruin. He gave her some feed and a good brushing before he went off to lie down on the ground. It took not long for him after closing his eyes to fall to a deep sleep.
Sunlight started to emenate from the east as morning came too soon. Filling the grass and weeds around the old elvin ruins were water droplets from the dew collected on them. The ground around the ruins were not very soft. In fact, looking back, Theomin had only slept on the ground a few times during his whole journey. He stood up and stretched a huge stretch, streighting out all the kinks in his muscles the ground gave him in his sleep. Theomin then looked around. Except for Bragga, he was alone in the ruined elf enclosure. The Twilight Company did infact leave like Sylderan said they would. Only a smouldering fire was left behind in the center of the ruin. No other sign of their presence was found.
Theomin soon untied Bragga and mounted her, half expecting some elf to come upon him. None did though. He then remembered what the elf told him about the cloth he bore. Quickly he removed the tunic and pants his father gave him. Quckly he removed the Dunlanding outfit he had been wearing since Avardin. He slipped on the tunic and then the pants. With delight, they fit like an old glove, perfectly and most comfortably. He smiled as the familiar cloth felt so nice on his skin.
Finally, he mounted Bragga, continuing riding north for a while. Not long after he came upon some lonely rocks in the middle of the field. Again, he saw a group of half-orcs. What they were doing was beyond Theomin as he could not see what they were up to. He dismounted and snuck behind some trees, trying to be as quiet as possible. The half-orcs were laughing and making snarky comments about some creatures there among the rocks. One of the animals escaped but a half-orc with a crossbow shot at the animal, leg. It was a small animal, much like a cat but larger and more muscular. It had to be some kind of lynx. The half-orc that shot at the lynx approached it as it laid injured on the ground. With gleeful laughter the filthy thing picked it up and threw it around, finding joy in torchering the poor animal. It screemed with pain but its screems were met with nothing but laughter. Finally, in a last attempt to free itself, it bit the half-orc. The brute winced for a moment as the lynx tried to escape but the half-orc caught it and smashed the head with his boot. There ended the life of that poor animal.
With awe and rage, Theomin looked at the sick brutes of half-orcs. Now he knew what they were doing to those poor creatures among the rocks. He grabbed his staff and was ready to confront the horrible creatures.