Poll: Who Would Win In A Fight?

Thanks to Bryan for this week’s poll idea!

Who would win in a fight?

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Who would win? How does the fight happen? Where does it take place? Let us know in the comments below!

10 thoughts on “Poll: Who Would Win In A Fight?”

  1. *SPOILER*

    Sara Oakheart or Amarthiel? Because by the period of the story that we’re in, they’re one and the same, and Amarthiel could beat all the others (even a hungry hobbit!) hands down…

  2. Obviously Lalia would win, think of the armour she could fashion out of all of her mithril coins! Or she could port right behind you with them and trap you in cloak!

  3. If you show a pie to a hungry hobbit he is unbeatable for sure. None wizard and warrior is more powerful, then hobbit trying to get a pie. Even Balrog and Sauron would run seeing that hobbit.

  4. Without a doubt it’s Grima. He killed Saruman, a Maia for crying out load! No one else on this list did that, in fact the only other in the third age was Gandalf.

      1. A Maia is a Maia. And by the way, didn’t Saruman imply that Grima ate a hobbit! Hungry hobbit Wormtongue will eat you!!

  5. Rook is by far the most imaginative person on this list – anyone who believes they are a powerful wizard, and will be willing to put that to the test (only to reappear later with more crazy schemes) has something going for them. We need more Rook in the game!

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