Music System Delayed Again

Executive Producer Vyvyanne posted today about the Music System and it might not be good news or is it?

“Based on the dropped notes and the need to get 15.2 out to correct other issues currently on Live, we have pulled the music changes from the build, so they will not be pushed to Live with 15.2. We will continue to look into the dropped notes problem and aim to have the music improvements out with U16.”
On one hand, it’s good they are trying to get “it right” and they are concentrating on other issues for the next update.
What do you think of the delay to the music system again?

6 thoughts on “Music System Delayed Again”

  1. I’m happy about the delay. Well not happy that there _is_ a delay, but rather that they’re waiting rather than pushing a flawed patch. Quality takes time.

  2. I haven’t used the music system in years. I still appreciate the approach of “if it ain’t right, don’t put it out.” If the rest of the production cycles follow this trend, we are in for a good year.

  3. There were some localized note issues with the bullroarer build before this last build. I haven’t heard if all the issues have been addressed. The issue with “Dropped” notes is much more important.

    Dropped notes – When a percentage of the notes in your file are cut and cannot be heard in game. In the system we have live at the moment I have this issue with big concert pieces, it can occur in bands with 8-9 parts +. However in the new builds the cutting or dropping is happening with much smaller bands, more often. For us who create music for LOTRO this problem is a song breaker.

    I am happy that the powers at LOTRO have decided to work further on the system to get it to an acceptable level. I don’t mind having to work around one or two minor glitches. However, I would not want a new system which is worse than the one we have in place.

    I would like to pass on my thanks to those working on the new system. I am really looking forward to the finished product. The music system has given me many hours of joy, making files and sharing music with other players. Our audiences seem to like what we do.

    Bugginses Bands: The Starlight Orchestra, Clarinet Ensemble, LMB Music and Critters will be performing on Firefoot at the end of the month (28th 2pm Bree Stage).

    There are many arrangers, composers and transcribers who produce music for events probably every day of the week on one server or another.

    Lets hope by the next update we will all be playing with our new, improved and working music system.

  4. Agree!

    We are all looking forward to the new music update, but we certainly don’t want a system that we can’t use or one that forces us to re-make all our files that we have made for the past 7 years, like the one rolled out for update 15.

    Cheers to Turbine for still committing themselves to making our music in game better!!!

    1. Hi Louni,

      I am prepared, in exhange for an improved music system to tweak all my past files. But I understand any other converter who would rather not 🙂

  5. I think that’s the best thing they can do if it’s not working great. Don’t need a situation like in the last update again.
    So thumbs up from me.

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