Inspiration can come from many sources. In my case, I took inspiration for this edition of LOTROfication from none other than a sentence in World chat, which inquired if someone could port them to “Rivendale.” Having read several issues of the Archie comic, this struck a humorous nerve.
As such, I decided to take a look at some possible scenarios of LOTRO as a comic book cover, and have depicted six of these below (as an added bonus while doing research, I first came up with this one in my ongoing battle against the forces of Lalia).
As always, feel free to click on any of the covers for a slightly larger image. Enjoy!
LOTROfication is an on-going sporadic series in which I combine the magic of LOTRO with the cauldron of GIMP, and see what kind of potion I can brew. All work is in good fun and heroic cheer. No NPCs were harmed in the making of this article, though Frodo may need an Oompa Loompa to get those arms back to hobbity size.
If you could give any super power(s) to any NPC (or playable class) in LOTRO, what abilities would they have and why?
Spawn Timers, hehe…
I would give Sarah Oakheart the superhuman ability to walk normal speeds and call her… “The Saunterer”!!
Haha, I figured there’d be a nice jest toward our favorite LOTRO hag. Well played!
To answer your final question I’d say the ability to change any object or fluid (for example simple water) into fine ale and pie. Reason’s simply, I’m hobbit.
How about X-men, it can be the nine ringwraiths.
Sauron city (sin city) set in minas morgul with hilarious and blood and Gore!
You did an excellent job with these. Captain Gondor is totally awesome! It think this is your best one yet! How about “The Incredible Beorn” or “Thror”
Just spit-balling here.