LOTRO Players News Episode 82: No Hobbit Cemeteries?

This week we are honored to have Dr. Corey Olsen and Trish Lambert on the show to talk about all sorts of lore-related topics.

Blooper video here.

Game News

New Information on Server Transfers

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LOTRO Players News

LPN Looking For A Podcast Co-Host

LOTRO Video Highlights: Helm’s Deep Fan Trailer

The Family Line Part 28

LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 47

Where’s Tinki? Winterhome

Winterstock II – Reviews, Pictures and Videos.

LOTRO Poems #13

Brax’s pick of the week: Reading the Books Through the Lens of the Game by Syp at Biobreak.wordpress.com

Skirmish of the Week

Topic: What is your favorite depiction of the socio-political situation between the Dwarves and the Elves?


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Featured Comments

Zimzeebo on “New Information on LOTRO Server Transfers”

I’m really like this new openness. Not that Sapience or Frelorn have been close-lipped, but in comparison Peters is practically giving us a blow-by-blow commentary on Turbine’s intentions. I Like it.

Kaleigh Starshine on “New Information on LOTRO Server Transfers”

What it looks like Turbine is likely to do, and I hope this is the case, is to first let those who wish to move to more highly populated servers to do so first, for free, for some length of time.

At that point, they will see how many players are left on the lower population servers and make a determination of how many servers they want to maintain for those players. Hopefully, they will allow players to indicate, somehow, their wish to play on lower population servers, and label a few servers as such. Then, let those players move to those servers, for free.

Hopefully, as many players as possible can be accommodated in accordance to their play-style, and Turbine will see the need to keep a few servers to accommodate those who desire a less-populated world.


This week we did not receive any emails.

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Final Thoughts

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Thanks for listening!

7 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 82: No Hobbit Cemeteries?”

  1. I have a question and a comment.
    First what server is Myth-gard Mondays on?

    The relation between the dwarves and elves is much more complicated than the game portrays. When we think of the dwarves, we usually think of the Longbeards, but they were in fact only one of seven clans. Some of the clans (dourhands were made up by turbine) were more evil by nature. The Noldor and Longbeards had a good relationship and helped each other frequently. They both studied under Aule and had a common background. I believe that the dwarves of Moria (longbeards) helped shelter some of the elves of Hollin when Sauron overran it to reclaim his rings in the second age.
    Very good episode!

    1. It certainly was great to hear so much Tolkien talk, and so much enthusiasm from all the hosts and guests. I wonder if Myth-gard (guard?) mondays could be the next podcast for the LOTRO players team? The subject seemed to bring out so much from you all maybe it could be an option with their consent?

    2. Mythgard Mondays are on Landroval.

      There are actually references to that in Eregion, just not too obvious as it is in the second age.

    3. Like I say after though, we would all likely pick the book answer. Main goal of this is to realize how good the books and adaptations are able to do certain things.

  2. I would like to say that this was truly one of the most enjoyable shows I have ever listened to 🙂 Great presentation of The Prof and Trish, having such personalities involved in projects with LOTRO can only bode well for the future and I am even tempted to dust off my cappy on Landy and come and join in the educational roller coaster ride on Mondays:)

    A very wordy and intelligent show: well done all 🙂

    2 questions I would love to get an opinion on:

    One directly related to the ‘skirmish’ and hinted at by the Prof is, “Are Elves portrayed as being stupid in LOTRO? In response to my own LOTRO play this week where I have been rescuing elves supposedly thousands of years old yet still getting stuck in spiders webs in Mirkwood! (,i.’Elves depicted as if they have just fallen off the Turnip wagon!,/i.’ – LOVE IT!)

    The second question is Middle Earth language related can anyone translate the following “Latu gadhumúrz bagu!”? (From EPIC: Volume II, Book 9: Fortress of the Nazgûl: Chapter 10, The Exchange, Mazog (the Orc) exclaims this upon Broin’s return.)

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