LOTRO Poems #13

Hail Friends! Welcome to the 13th edition of LOTRO Poems and a Happy -18 days late- New Year!!! Hope you all had a great start to this year. It is going to be an interesting year for LOTRO and lets hope we all get what we desire. 

This week Casual Raiders were able to complete Ost Dunhoth Disease Tier 2 Challenge. It was the first time we were able to finish it after the update. Next objective is to clear the Poison Wing. 

This week we are going to continue our journey with Aragorn, if you haven’t read the previous four parts, I encourage you to have a read before you read this one, Part 1, Part 2Part 3 and Part 4.



Estel (part 5)

The goblins came in large numbers and a troll they brought,
We charged and slew many of them, even the halflings fought,  

But then came the shadow and fire,
A foe from beyond, with deadly ire,  

A demon of ancient world, Balrog of Morgoth came,
Fire and shadow woved in one, with a whip of flame,  

We ran across the bridge but Gandalf made his stand,
“You cannot pass”, with Glamdring and staff in hand,  

Balrog stepped forward and drew itself to great height,
Its wings spread from wall to wall, ready to fight,  

From out of the shadow a red sword leaped flaming, Glamdring glittered white,
There was a ringing clash and a stab of fire and Gandalf showed his true might,  

We ran to help the wizard, our guide, our friend, but he lifted his staff,
He smote the bridge before him, the bridge cracked, breaking it in half,  

“Fly you fools”, he fell into abyss with the demon and was gone,
But there was no time to mourn, I had to lead the fellowship on,  

We escaped darkness of Moria into the light of day,
Our fellowship broken, our hearts grim and fey.

Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. You can check all previous editions by clicking LOTRO Poems. You can follow me on twitter @dgenxali. If you would like to read my non Tolkien poetry, you can checkout my blog dgenxali.wordpress.com. If you play on Brandywine server, you can find me on Estelali or Baginssis. Click Casual Raiders if you want to join my kinship. If you want to feature your poem on LOTRO Poems or even send feedback, my email is legendraiderx@gmail.com. Be good and have a wonderful day, Namarie!

Published by


A writer, a dreamer

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