MMOGames LOTRO Starter Pack Giveaway

MMOGames is currently offering a free LOTRO starter pack as part of a giveaway. The duration of this giveaway will be dependent on remaining keys available.

By creating or logging into your MMOGames account, you are able to redeem for a code that can be applied to your account via the Turbine account management page.

Your starter pack will include:

  • Chestnut Steed & Riding Skill
  • 100% Experience Boost x1
  • Universal Healing Potion x5
  • Exclusive Cosmetic Armor: Masterwork Breastplate
  • Skill and Slayer Deed Boost x1

You will receive a box containing these goodies on every current and new character created on that account. The armor was not dyeable. The addition of the riding trait (usable once you leave the intro and attain the Novice trait) plus a steed is a great boon to new players, in addition to the other goodies included.

Contents of the starter pack (thanks to Fredelas for the pic)

You can head on over to the MMOGames LOTRO starter pack giveaway page here, either log in or create an account, and redeem for your own starter pack code. Once they run out of keys, the giveaway will likely end, so don’t wait!


3 thoughts on “MMOGames LOTRO Starter Pack Giveaway”

    1. Keys should still be available via MMOGames. Click on that first link (where it first says “giveaway” in the article above), and follow the directions to get your code you can enter over on the Turbine account management page. Cheers!

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