Poll: What Is Your Favorite Part of the Producer’s Letter?

After all the news last week we are wondering, what was your favorite part?

What is your favorite part of the Producer's Letter?

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4 thoughts on “Poll: What Is Your Favorite Part of the Producer’s Letter?”

  1. Well I go for the episodic content as at this stage this could be so many good things… hoping it doesn’t end up being a few bad things…

    And I was really excited by the LI imbuing but no clarification as yet how this will work especially as no level increase makes it rather moot…unless they lower the imbue lv???

  2. I am glad to see that most people are excited for the new instances, I believe it has been roughly 2 years since the last instance cluster with Riders of Rohan and I hope these new instances show the we want more of them.

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