Winterstock 2015 Promo Video.

We’re on our way!

This Weekend is a fantastic time to head to Silverdeep Mine on Landroval. On an icelake right near the gates you will find a hive of activity. Playing from Friday through to Monday are thirty two LOTRO bands.

Watch this video to heat this years Winterstock Song, bought to you by members of The Lonely Mountain Band and friends!

I would like to thank all who had a hand in producing this little clip. Aegthil for the song, Cennwyn for the Lyrics, Serbryt for his creative recording and editing skills, all the musicians who waited patiently to have their time to shine!

I hope you enjoy this video.

Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

One thought on “Winterstock 2015 Promo Video.”

  1. I created toons in landroval to go to one of these 😀 Finally it’s going to happen.

    How people can make music out of instruments in real life is beyond me. In game, I’m even more amazed!

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