Hail and well met friends! Andang here excited about finishing my commentary series of the Volume 2 Epic Story. I started this series back in July of this year on my YouTube channel.
While there are plenty of great moments crafted by Turbine in this volume, I have to say my favorite part is the departing of the fellowship. As players, we get to spend a little time talking to each of the characters as they prepare to depart and then we get to watch their interaction as they leave the safety of Rivendell for the start of their real journey.
One thing that I had forgotten was just how much travel there is in Volume 2. Since there are far less convenient swift travel locations within Moria, it causes there to be much more travel time. This is compounded by the tactics of the dwarves within Moria. They spread their party too thin which means when characters require you to travel between them, it is typically a much greater distance than Volume 1. That being said, if you were doing side quests throughout Moria alongside the epic story, it would allow you to do quests along the way between the epic story areas.
If I had left in travel time in this 50 episode series it would be more than twice the length. That is right, if you are just doing the epic story, there is actually more travel than story in Volume 2. This led to some 20 minute episodes having over 20 cuts to remove the travel between quest locations.
I was also surprised by how much more I enjoyed the story doing it exclusively. Moria has so many side quests that take you in so many directions that it is hard to remember what is going on in the epic story. Only doing the epic story allows it to stand on its own and shine brightly. While there is a lot of travel, I now have much more respect for what I already thought to be a great story.
My Volume 2 series was made possible by supporters on Patreon. A big thanks to all 18 of them for helping my channel continue to grow.
Also a big thanks to Turbine for making this fantastic story for us to experience.
Earlier this year I had finished Volume 1 of the epic story 20 months after starting the series.
I would like to finish the Volume 3 story before the end of 2015 but will need help to reach that and other goals through support on Patreon.