LOTRO’s Senior World Builder To Speak At Mythmoot III

The Senior Wold Builder for LOTRO, Chris Pierson, will be giving a presentation on world-building at Mythmoot III.

“He moved to the States to work as a designer for Turbine Games, the originator of LOTRO. His tenure at Turbine goes back to the beginning of LOTRO, and he has many stories and insights to share about the challenges, joys and frustrations of aligning the game as accurately as possible with Tolkien’s legendarium. Not surprisingly, Chris’s task requires a deep knowledge of Middle-earth lore, and as self-described Chief Lore Monkey, among other things he has more than a passing acquaintance with Sindarin and the Black Speech.”

Mythmoot III will be held in Maryland on January 10th and 11th, 2015.  For more information, head over to the official Mythmoot page.

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