The Rangers – Film Trailer

The crew that made the “Rise of the Fellowship” film last year is working a new film called “The Rangers: A Shadow Rising.”  The first full trailer for The Rangers was recently released.

“The Rangers is set in a world of high fantasy. It is a rich multi-layered and complex world, with it’s own mythos and lexicon of heroes and races. When we began conceiving the world of The Rangers we started with a creation myth and a timeline for the history of the world, in the same vein as Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”. Drawing from our extensive role playing backgrounds and an almost Dungeons & Dragons style adventure world creation, we strove to produce a “Game of Thrones” level of intrigue in our realm, with surprises for the characters and viewers around every castle corner, and treacherous mountain pass.”

For more information, visit the film’s official site.

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