Time sure does go by fast. On December 15, I’ll be celebrating 7 years of playing Lotro. It’s been an absolute amazing adventure!
This is my first real MMO. I remember I started off in the elf intro zone, a top of the stairs. Took me 20 minutes to figure out how to move and what all these buttons and options were. Totally over whelming at first. I’ve learned so much and meet so many people over the years.
I enjoyed adventuring through Shadows of Angmar and the Ettenmores.
Being really excited when they announce Mines of Moria was going to be release. I get to forge my very own legendary weapons! (I still really like the LI system. I’m probably one of the few.) A fun bug the first few days were my weapons had a 1 second lag of following my characters hands. A few months after the release, I started playing my Captain.
Mirkwood came out and found out that I could main heal Sword Hall runs on my Captain. Man that was fun! I’d do 5-10 runs of that a night on Tier 1. Met all kinds of people and play styles.
Enedweith, Isengard, Rohan and all the other expansions have been such a blast.
And the community over the years—-Wow!!! It’s grown a ton over the years. And it still seems to grow every year. CSTM. Lotro Reporter. Lotrocast. LPN. Lotro Academy. Light the Beacons. And dozens of different channels on YouTube. There is sooooo much content these days on Lotro that I rarely watch TV any more.
And I think Turbine has really out done themselves over the years. A huge shout out to them! Their developers. Their story writers. Artists. Musicians. I was trying to find an MMO that would allow me to develop my character and be apart of a story. I think they’ve done a spot on job.
April 2013 or so, Turbine introduce Hobbit presents. Last November, I thought it might be fun to keep track of all the hobbit presents I’ve received. I mashed together the normal and gold presents (I tried to keep it simple for myself.) There was a few days here and there that I missed and one week of vacation.
They might not huge game changing presents. But I really have enjoyed them. Gave me a little something extra to look forward to. Kind of like icing on a cake that is already wonderful. The Worn Symbol of the Elder King still shocks me!
And here’s the presents I got from the 2013 Yule festival.
I dabbled a little bit in the Spring, Summer and Fall festivals. But it was only to get a cosmetic item or two.
Overall, I want to give a huge thank you to Turbine and the people that have worked there over the years. A huge thank you to all the Lotro podcasters and video bloggers. And a big thank you to all the fun people that I’ve meet in game. I wish you all a fantastic Christmas and holiday. Hope you all have lots of fun with family and will see you in game!
Great article! Now all you need is a Hobby Horse
Wow! I would NEVER have the patience to keep track of all of the items. Props to you on that :3
Thanks for the mention Flos!! I found the present distribution info very interesting. Cheers! -Braag
You’re enthusiasm is infectious! I’ve never heard anyone talk so well of hobbits presents though, what did you think of the interface? It’s been criticized as slot machine like, what do you think?
Guess I’m optimistic with most things. Easy interface. Looks like a slot machine. I’m usually checking to see who’s on line while it’s spinning. In the end, it’s a free present from Turbine. And I thank them very much