Tonight on Landroval, Dr. Corey Olsen, otherwise known as the Tolkien Professor, held a press conference (of sorts) to announce his plans for an open Mythgard course. The course will explore the texts of JRR Tolkien and investigate their interpretation within Lord of the Rings Online. Dr. Olsen detailed a three phase approach leading up to the course, the first two phases of which are designed to help him to become more familiar with the landscape within the game and the epic story line, and are intended to prepare him to teach the course. He explained the three phases as follows:
Phase I: Work through the epic quest line and go through the areas to gain some familiarity with the landscape
Phase II: Go through the areas at a slower pace, paying close attention to and reading things, start to relate text to game. Will need protectors (other players) in order to avoid combat. The plan is to live-stream this phase on LOTRO’s official Twitch channel.
Phase III: The actual LOTRO course
The first two phases will be held on Landroval. The course itself will be open for anyone to join, and will also be recorded for future viewing.
This sounds like a fantastic opportunity for LOTRO and LOTR lore fans alike! Dr. Olsen added that he’s not sure of all the specifics yet, so keep your eyes open for future updates!
Update: Trish Lambert also posted some details about the meeting and approach on the Mythgard kinship guildlaunch site.
I just hope this does not clash with other popular in game events! I would love to attend this course.
Lili, unfortunately it is at the same time as Ales and Tales on Monday nights.
Yes, unfortunately, it is at the same time as Monday Ales & Tales. It’s the only time that Corey can commit to on a consistent weekly basis. I am sad about it myself because I’d love to attend A&T regularly!!!
Oh no! Boohoo and now I shall have a little sulk!
What a fantastic idea
Does this Tolkein Professor play the game already? Would be a shame for them to start to only find he stops after a few sessions…
I have always imagined ‘guided tours of LOTRO Middle Earth’ where tourists can sign up for a quick tour of the digital version…
Yes, he has a level 53 guardian. I was wondering if he would be asking for any ‘power leveling’ help because he’s still got a long way to go to get to current cap!
I’ve had the opportunity to run with some of the Mythgard folks and the Tolkien Professor in the last few weeks. Fun stuff. This group is more scholarly and Lore oriented than your typical MMO crowd as the LORE was the reason to try the game. To plagiarize from this weeks Lotro Players Adventure… The lore-bombs were dropping and the “co-literal” damage was high.
And fun and informative.