Poll: Would You Listen To A LOTRO Players Role-Playing Podcast?

For some time now we have had the idea to do a role-playing style podcast in LOTRO. This would be a show where we would have a general idea of where we wanted the story to go but would greatly depend on character choices and luck with the RNG dice.
It would be recorded live, allowing the audience to change the story as well if we saw ideas we liked. (We are looking at you Zyngor)
If we do the show, it would not start until around March when we have finished all the group content on Adventures.
The characters on the show would reflect the classes and hosts we have on Adventures. It would also take advantage of the inside jokes we have developed over the years.
So, would you listen to a LOTRO Players role-playing podcast?

Poll: Would you listen to a LOTRO Players role-playing podcast?

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9 thoughts on “Poll: Would You Listen To A LOTRO Players Role-Playing Podcast?”

  1. It’s well document, I’ll listen to most anything.

    The rules are going to be very important. Clearly written and debated often.

    You could add some ingame competion as well, pitting the LPN against each other. Perhaps a race to the top of the Beacon in the Entwash vale, or put everyone in the Shire and see who can get the most wolf pelts in 5 minutes. A Lotro Olympics if you will. I always thought it would be fun to have MST3K in Lotro but I have no idea of what or how.

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