Welcome to a new series of Lilikate’s Creatures.
Lilikate wanders in the region of Ered Luin discovering animals in all shapes and sizes.
Celondim is our first stop, here we find an assortment of critters to delight everyone.
Over on Lilikatebuggins.com you can find more Lilikate’s Creatures.
Thanks for watching!
Lilikate, your stupid posts are always %&$!. Come up with something good.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my post. I won’t thank you for your rude comment.
I would suggest not reading any of my posts in the future as they are not to your taste.
It would be a horrible world if we were all the same.
Though I feel it is beneath us to respond to something so hateful, I feel it is necessary to do so, at least for my own sanity. I know we are all entitled to our opinion. I have plenty of my own. It takes just a split second of thinking to come up with an opinion such as Mr. Bisquishonay’s but it takes more time and effort to give constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is where you share your opinion in a way that is aids the person rather than demeaning said person. The comment shared by Mr. Bisquishonay only reflects poorly on him, no so much his target.
With that said, I’d like to share a little constructive criticism for Mr. Bisquishonay. You should, A: Not read or watch any more of Ms. Bugging’s posts (like she gracefully suggested), B: Keep your comments to yourself, or C: Comment in a way that is constructive, not destructive.
With that said, Ms. Buggins, loved your post. I’m glad you chose to share it as a video with music. It certainly got me more into it. It was very adorable! Keep it up