Where’s Tinki – Dolven View.

Hullo There!

I know I said “see you next week” in my last post, sadly a lot has happened that has delayed this edition of Where’s Tinki.

Now you can all learn where Tinki was in that Pineleaf special screen shot I created!


So here are the answers to the Black Pool episode from last September.

Easy – On the big tree root, middle front of the shot.

Medium – Telling the dwarf in the shot a story, lower right of the shot.

Challenge – Left hand side of the shot, right in the back, fishing! tut tut….

Pineleaf Tier Two – At the mid back of the shot there is a second wagon, behind that wagon are two crates,

if you zoom and check between the shots you may spot a yellow foot in between those crates!

How many of you got that right?


This week Tinki is hiding somewhere in the Dolven View, Moria.

Click each image for a larger view.

Remember! Please think of others before leaving the answers in the comments.







Tinki Dol View Easy-001


Tinki Dol View Med


Tinki Dol View Cha

This week I have added a special new extra difficult level just for Pineleaf Needles!

-but, I ask you all to visit my new site at http://lilikatebuggins.com/wheres-tinki-pineleaf-special-edition/ to view this shot,

Then email me your answers to Lilikatebuggins@gmail.com

The winning spotters will get a prize sent to their in game character.

Answers on the next Where’s Tinki…



5 thoughts on “Where’s Tinki – Dolven View.”

  1. I had been waiting for the BLACK POOL answer: I am not going to count the pixels of the foot!…LOL

    I got Tinki in all except the pineleaf one…great idea though…reminds me of spot the ball competitions from my youth!

    1. I was “in between” computers. I am glad to be back too. Hiding Tinki is actually more fun than one would assume.

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