Community Events 1st Dec to 7th Dec

Welcome to another Community Events post.  

This post is a list of all known player run events planned for this week.

If  you have an event and would like to have it included in this list please email or leave a comment, or you can always send me an in game letter to Lilikate on Landroval. Every effort is made to ensure the details listed in this article are correct. If you spot any errors please leave a note  in the comments section.

If you have an event on a German or French server I would like to offer you a chance to have your events advertised on this thread. I would require details sent to me in German as well as an English. 

Featured Event Of The Week:

11th Historical Field Trip to Staddle.

December 7, 2014 @ 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM GMT (See details in the listings)

Monday 1st December

Name: Nibbles and Nobs/ Ales and Tails.

Server: Landroval

Time: 8.30pm – 11.30EDT

Location:  Refuge of Edhelion, Ered Luin

Name: Elevenses

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11.00pm-12.30am

Location: The Bird and Baby Inn.

Tuesday 2nd December

Name: Green Hill Music Society

Server: Landroval

Time: 10.00pm-11.00pm

Location: Beer Garden the Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

Name: The Runic Knights Orchestra

Server: Landroval

Time: 9.00pm

Location:  Bree Park.

Wednesday 3rd December

Name: Eldar Music Night

Server: Eldar

Time: 2.00pm

Location: The Prancing Pony Stage, Bree.

Name: Maidens of Vanimore

Server: Landroval

Time: 9.00pm-10.30pm.

Location: Bree Park

Thursday 4th December.

Name: Bird and Baby Yard Party

Server: Laurelin

Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm BST  2.30pm- 4.oopm EDT

Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

The Bird and Baby staff hosts a weekly yard party at the inn, ending “when the last guest leaves”. Contact: Bilbeto, Bird and Baby Staff.

Name: Concerning Hobbits – Party Time

Server: Landroval

Time: 8.30pm to 10.00pm

Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

The parties feature games, music, pies, light RP, and prizes. Party games (which rotate out week-to-week) include the Bad Joke Contest, Hot Tater, Hide-a-Hobbit, Drunken Backwards Racing, and more.

Name: Eriador Music Society

Server: Landroval

Time: 10.30pm – 11.30pm

Location: The Green near the large Statue, Michel Delving.

Name: Maidens of Vanimore

Server: Laurelin

Time: 10.00pm-11.30pm.

Location: Prancing Pony Rock

Friday 5th December.

Name: Die Meisterbaden Von Bree

Server: Vanyar

Time: 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Location: Bree Auction House

Name: Green Dragon Friday

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3.00pm – 5.00pm (8.oopm to 10.00pm BST)

Location: The Green Dragon Inn, Bywater.

Name: A Rock and a Hard Place (Weatherstock Winners)

Server: Dwarrowdelf

Time: 4.00pm -5.00pm

Location: West Gate, Bree Town.

Name: Bread and Jam

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 9.00pm

Location: The Prancing Pony Inn, Bree Town.

“Bread and Jam” – Takes over The Prancing Pony.  Join us for music, dancing, light RP and storytelling.

Name: The Just KrAbby’s – The Just KrAbby’s are on indefinite hiatus!

Server: Landroval

Time: When the Music is Rolled!

Location: Pierson’s Farm, South Bree.

Saturday 6th December

Name: The Breakfast Club

Server: Crickhollow 

Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm

Location: South Bree, Near Stable Master.

Name:  Lilikate’s Musical Creatures Rehearsal

Server: Landroval

Time: 2.00pm to 3.00pm.

Location: TSO Concert Hall- 5 Long Street, Conholt, Bree Homesteads.

Name: Hobbit yule video shoot

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2.30pm to 4.00pm.

Location: Forochel, Kauppa-Kohta village.

Yule is near, and what better thing to do than to make a large drawing to greet yer friends a very merry yuletide? Not much! So here we go! This is first (of two) video shoots for the Laurelin hobbits yule video!

Name: Under The Sunlit Sky

Server: Landroval

Time: 3.00pm EST

Location: Prancing Pony Rock.

Name: LOTRO Players Adventures

Server: Landroval

Time: 5.00pm – 6.00pm

Location: Middle Earth.

Send a “/tell” to Stafdang to group up and experience raid content!

Name:Animal House

Server: Landroval

Time: 9.00pm to Midnight

Location: Prancing Pony

Sunday 7th December

Name: Bards Beers and Long Beards

Server: Landroval

Time: 12.00am

Location: Prancing Pony Inn, Bree.

Name: No Whole Bard

Server: Landroval

Time: 6.00am to 7.00am

Location: Bree Stage

Name: Elevenses

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11.00am to 1.00pm EDT

Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

Name: 11th Historical Field Trip: Staddle

Server: Laurelin

Time: 2.00pm – 3.30pm

Location:  Staddle

staddle field trip

Staddle. A village just outside of Bree. Home to a lot of hobbits making their lives in the Bree-lands. How did them end up here? Join us for a night of history, tales and roast sausages over the campfire!

Date: Sunday December 7th
7PM UK (2PM servertime): Meet at the stable master in South Bree
7:30PM UK (2:30PM servertime): The tales begin in Staddle
Location: Start in South Bree, then move to Staddle for the proper field trip.

To the Bree-lands

Where did hobbits originally come from? However did some of them end up in Bree? What kind of customs do they have? And whyever don’t they want to move to the Shire, like proper hobbits?

Answers to these questions, and more, may be given during our eleventh hobbit historical field trip. There are no guarantees, though!

We will meet by the stablemaster in South Bree before heading off to Staddle. Once there, our local historians will present stories, tales, poetry and songs related to hobbit lore. Food WILL be served.

Want to know more about hobbit history? Then come along! Bring your fishing rod too!


Believe it or not, but this marks the 5th anniversary for our hobbit historical field trips! As usual, the trip combine a few lectures/stories of hobbit lore with songs and entertainment. If yer want to know more about hobbits and their history, here is yer chance.

Given the subject matter, this is very much a hobbit-preferred event. However, since we are off in Bree-lands, should the odd loreseeking dwarf, man or elf interested in hobbit lore choose to show up, they won’t be chased away. Be prepared for puzzled looks and the odd comment about your beard and/or height during the night, though.

People are encouraged to listen raptly to the given lectures and save most dialogue to the breaks, but a few odd questions are always welcome! It goes without saying that this is a 100% In Character event, but remember that our historians often go for a tall, exciting tale more than strict lore accuracy.

The field trip should last about 2 hours or so.

Name: The Andune Ensemble 

Server: Landroval

Time: 3.00pm

Location: Bree Stage.

2 thoughts on “Community Events 1st Dec to 7th Dec”

  1. It’s good to see that the Maidens of Vanimore and Animal House are supporting the new server Landrocal by playing concerts there. I must create an alt there. (I was the first to spot your deliberate mistake)

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