Poll: What grade do you give Update 15?

With our review of Update 15 happening on our next episode of LOTRO Players News, we want to know what grade you would give Update 15 as a whole.

What grade do you give Update 15?

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4 thoughts on “Poll: What grade do you give Update 15?”

  1. I’ve voted B… The Beorning is a great class so far (I’ve only played EirButt Fuzzygut to level 17), and seems well played-out at this point.

    I’m not finding the new region tremendously engaging, although the new Pelargir Epic Battle has some serious potential.

    I’ll admit that the lack of engagement may very well be that I’m busy in real life atm so my imaginary life takes a back-seat, and I’m still grinding Dol Amroth with 4 of my 5 lvl 100s.

    It is fantastic to see some of the little things brought back: Epic-level roaming mobs and reputation drops to name a few.

    My small kin “May it Be” on Riddermark (really just 5 of us) decided to take a different tact with our Beornings and invoked the following rules:

    1) All the names must end in Butt (EirButt, OphiButt, RossButt, CookieButt, and AnnuiButt). It’s an inside joke…

    2) You may only play your Beorning with another member of the kin (on their Beorns of course).

    3) You may not level more than 10 levels higher than the lowest level Beorning in the “Butt” group.

    4) You may not use xp boosts at any time, outside of VIP bonus and Welcome back weekends. (I have an xp disabler for crafting)

    5) We must complete the entire quest deed (e.g., Breeland Adventurer, Final) in each zone.

    I heartily suggest that people try this… it’s really changed the way we play the game!

    {and yes, we took a small amount of inspiration from Goldenstar’s “Dum” group)

  2. I voted D, for two main reasons:

    1. What was in U15:

    Quest areas
    Solo/Duo Pelargir battle, in which half of the objectives were impossible to complete and also impossible to earn a Platinum overall medal.

    What was supposed to be U15:

    Quest areas
    Solo/Duo and Fellowship Battle
    Music System upgrade (this is getting reverted)
    Level Cap increase, which was later changed to the Imbuing system
    Something else which is escaping me at the moment….

    2. What was there seems very small. There cannot be any more than half as many quests as their were in Western Gondor, can there? [Now someone will actually provide quest counts for each and make me feel silly :)]

    Don’t get me wrong. What was there was quite good. There is just very little substance to it, to my mind, at least.

  3. With the music revamp I’d give the update an F, that whole thing was horrible for the community.
    Leaving that aside though I gave it a B also it might as well be a C.

    Despite the bugs and it being too easy I do enjoy the Pelargir battle.
    I really do enjoy the new quests and zones also I would agree it looks a bit small.

    Heard good things about the beorning although I haven’t gotten one myself.

    So because it’s somewhat too small and quite buggy I’d say a C but I’m having fun and that’s the most important so I opted for a B.

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