LOTRO Poems #12

Hello friends and welcome to the 12th edition of LOTRO Poems. Yes I am back after a little break. I was busy with studies and work and volunteering, so just didn’t have enough time to write much. However I did hop into the game every now and then to play my new bearman. I love the concept but my only complain is that I want my beorning to be taller in man form than my captain, guess Turbine didn’t know that it has to look different to feel different. 

Casual Raiders have been doing the new Epic Battle a lot, I tried it a couple of times but for some reason I didn’t get the platinum (winky sad face with tongue). 

This week we are continuing the story of our beloved Aragorn. If you are not caught up on the previous parts, you can check them out here before you continue: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. I am thinking we should make Pineleaf read all 4 parts on LPN. So without further ado, here is “Estel” part 4.


Estel (part 4)

The journey was perilous and hard,
The fellowship always on their guard,


Over the mountains, the ring bearer tarried,
A heavy burden around his neck he carried,


They mountain pass ended in a deadly slope,
Gimli declared that Moria was their only hope,


But the dwarf doors were hidden and locked,
The fellowship was once again blocked,


But then the halfling solved the riddle,
They walked in with Frodo in the middle,


But the beast awoke with a wrath,
We retreated inside as Gandalf led the path,


The pillars were high and mighty in Khaza-dum,
But death got there first, Gimli cried at Balin’s tomb,


Then we heard the drums and many voices,
We were trapped and ran out of choices.

Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. You can check all previous editions by clicking LOTRO Poems. You can follow me on twitter @dgenxali. If you would like to read my non Tolkien poetry, you can checkout my blog dgenxali.wordpress.com. If you play on Brandywine server, you can find me on Estelali or Baginssis. Click Casual Raiders if you want to join my kinship. If you want to feature your poem on LOTRO Poems or even send feedback, my email is legendraiderx@gmail.com. Be good and have a wonderful day, Namarie!

Published by


A writer, a dreamer

2 thoughts on “LOTRO Poems #12”

  1. Relating to the bit at the beginning of your article, your Beorning is taller than your other characters – its certainly taller than all man or elf characters I’ve come across, and is significantly taller than NPCs.

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