Launch of The Evernight Reporter

Hannihr (third from left), founder of The Evernight Reporter, and Eteocles (first from right) at an Evernight Facebook Group event.
Hannihr (third from left), founder of The Evernight Reporter, and Eteocles (first from right) at an Evernight Facebook Group event.

The Evernight server now has a daily newspaper with the launch of The Evernight Reporter, written by prominent community member Hannihr. Having been instrumental in establishing the Evernight Facebook Group, Hannihr has turned her attention creating a daily news source for members of the server and the wider LOTRO community.

The Reporter will look to cover the news and events of the Evernight server, including:

  • Reviews of new content;
  • In game and out of game event reports;
  • Interviews with accomplished and friendly players;
  • PvMP battle reports;
  • Kinship spotlights;
  • Roleplay articles, and
  • Literature reviews of Tolkien’s work.

When asked why she started The Evernight Report, Hannihr explained that her goal was for the site to develop into a news source that the players of Evernight looked forward to everyday. “They can enjoy it after logging in and reading about what is going on in their virtual home. I want people to enjoy a good read after a day at work.”

While she is currently the sole writer for the site, Hannihr is happy to take player contributions. She can be reached through in-game mail or the Evernight Facebook Group.

Hannihr joined LOTRO, her first MMO, almost four years, and instantly feel in love. Like most players she has a variety of characters of difference races and classes, with her main being Hannihr, an Elven guardian. She like taking her time to play through quest content, having recently finished up at Hytbolt, and enjoys helping her kinmates with quests and deeds.

Read The Evernight Reporter online at:

2 thoughts on “Launch of The Evernight Reporter”

  1. Thank you so much for this article! I am truly honoured.
    I hope the Evernight Report becomes an enjoyable, daily read for my server.

    See you in game! 🙂

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