We are getting close to Minas Tirith in LOTRO. My question for you is should Minas Tirith in LOTRO be like the books or the movies?

We are getting close to Minas Tirith in LOTRO. My question for you is should Minas Tirith in LOTRO be like the books or the movies?
Neither. It should be as Turbine sees fit. If I wanted to be in the book version I’d go to bed and dream about it. If I wanted it to be like the movies I’d grab a blanket, some hot coffee, cookies and claim the sofa for the next 3-4 hrs.
Turbine has done a magnificent job at world design, mixing both the practical and the lore in a near-perfect manner, restraining such talented artists would be insulting (for lack of better wording, sorry, no native speaker).
There is no doubt that the success of this game had a lot to do with the success of the movies. Though there a many players who got into because of the lore I think there are even more who got into the lore because of the game. A nice balance between what was featured in RotK and the descriptions in the book would please a larger percentage of the player base. Obviously no matter what they do there will be people who cry foul, and I’m still; upset over Aldburg.
I voted other. I don’t think they can replicate MT from the books. The scale would so enormous, the seven gates, the gates being at different compass points. The travel itself would be very annoying. I think they are going to have to scale it down. Imagine the size of Bree now multiply by at least 10.
In some dev post somewhere they said they were not happy with how small it seemed from the dimensions given in the books as they are smaller than the picture Tolkien paints in readers imaginations.
They said they are still playing with it though. Lag will be a nightmare, especially in the epic battles/instances.
My main curiosity is will they include the black outer wall from the books or go a whole white city like most paintings and like the films.
I voted for a combination of both. But what I really want is for the Turbine MT design to be convenient and practical for players. Seven years of Lotro has thought us what creates a vibrant and successful HUB – ease of access, maneuverability within, and amenities a plenty. Granted, the challenge of incorporating that into something as huge a scale and as iconic as MT will be enormous. Good luck Turbine!
While I agree, Jackson did not include “The Outer Wall” in his movie, I thought he did a a good job on the city itself. Minas Tirith looked like I thought it would, and I have read the books more times then I care to tell you…(and listened to the audio version) …lol But I am sure Turbine will “try” to stay as close to the books as they can, within the constraints of a computer game.
Think of seven levels, each one of them with its own reputation faction with which you have to be kindred in order to access the next level!
Joking aside, I am sure they will do a good job, like they did up to now with the world design (with rare exceptions). The most important thing for me is to see something really majestic and NEW, something we didn’t experience as of now in the Lotro ME, it has to be different also from Pelargir and Dol Amroth, although they are cities of the same kind of Dunedain tradition. I would like to ride up to the Capital and open my mouth in ecstasy!
Edoras and Dol Amroth are really nice, but Minas Tirith is THE city-fortress in ME and it is under siege by a huge enemy army!
Also the practical things should be nicely set: no forge/relic master seven levels and 15 minute riding or walking distance from the first vendor or from the vault!
I want it to be really big!
Like the books please please like the books xD
I prefer the books, not just because I’m a lore junky, but because we’ve already seen the Minas Tirith of the movies.
whatever they choose, please do not make it look like every other city in Gondor. No overuse of swans, etc. Maybe every doorway doesn’t have to look exactly the same…