With many players enjoying the new Beorning class, we were wondering if players would want to see more new classes added to the game.
So, would you like to see more classes added to LOTRO?

With many players enjoying the new Beorning class, we were wondering if players would want to see more new classes added to the game.
So, would you like to see more classes added to LOTRO?
wont be bad, but it needs to be well balanced, and also it would be really cool to see the evil side gets something new to …
Why no? Turbine priority should be Group content for both old and new classes… I feel from U15 that they put everything thay have to finish Beorning (only group instance was delayed – 6 men or bugged-solo/duo, old ones doesnt give proper rewards).
Instead of putting time and money into more lore-violating classes and new systems, how about more content both in regions and questlines with story?
Regional content and questlines aren’t really lacking – the latest update had a decent amount of content, and about the number of quests that I expected, particularly with the optional repeatable quests at the end to max out rep. The fact that other quests become available at different rep tiers also makes it an interesting system which has a decent amount of longevity.
They should add Gaunt Lord to creep side as a tactical dps class. Well I can dream.
I would love to see them, but I don’t know what we’re missing, and I agree with others, I think the resources could be better used for now. I always enjoy fresh content though, and I consider a class content because it alters everything else. If they were going to add more, I would love for them to make a few solid ideas and then have a poll or something to determine which they would end up doing.
Killer Rabbit!
VOTED OTHER: FIX what they have first…and if they find some cool class to add to ME and its is no less controversial than RK or Beorning then why not…
I am not sure what new classes could be developed but I was wondering if there might be room for improved or elite classes through rep. In the books Pippin offers his service to Denethor and becomes a Guard of the Citadel and Merry swears fealty to Théoden and becomes an esquire to the king. Could our characters max out rep and then swear fealty to an important leader or join an order to gain appropriate additional skills (or a block of skill points to allow players to go deeper in their secondary trees), unique equipment, and cosmetics. Examples – Minstrels and other healing classes could join the Houses of Healing and gain some new healing skills. Magic users could join the library of Minas Tirith and benefit from its ancient lore with additional skills. Leaders like Denethor (Tower Guard), Faramir (Rangers of Ithilien), Prince Imrahil, along with Aragorn and Théoden could offer new martial skills after the player joins their personal guard. It would allow for high level characters to feel more special, reward the rep grind, offer some role playing aspects, and allow a slightly new class without leveling up from 0. Oh, and of course new epic battle skills for Drac
That sounds really cool but I doubt it will ever happen. I would much rather have that than a new class though I think.
I don’t think the game would benefit much from another new class this soon after the last one. However, if creating brand new classes were something Turbine had idle developers available to work on, I think a new creep class might be the way to go.