Update 15 Patch Problems

Today Update 15 launched and with it came some nasty problems for some players. Many have found themselves stuck on “Installing Pre-Reqs” and other patching related problems. Frelorn made a post on the forums with some things that might help fix the issue:

Go to your Internet Options
Click connections tab
LAN setting
check the box that says auto detect proxy settings
and on proxy server uncheck the box that says use a proxy server for u LAN
click OK then apply
then on the game launcher click on the the down arrow on the top right and click options
then proxy server tab
check the no proxy setting then click OK


Click on the Windows “Start” button and choose “My Computer” or “Computer”
In there double-click on your C: drive (may display as “Local Disk C”)
Double-click on “Program Files” (note: if you see “Program Files (x86)” double-click on that one instead)
In that folder double-click on the “Turbine” folder
Inside this folder you are going to look for “Turbinelauncher” (It will be the one that is listed as an “Application” and has the “One-ring” icon)
Right-click on that file and choose “Run as administrator”

Hopefully these steps help you get in game, though many are reporting that they still cannot get in-game even after trying these steps.

8 thoughts on “Update 15 Patch Problems”

  1. I had that same problem earlier. All i did was try a couple of times unsuccessfully then i tried logging into a different world (also failed). After I closed out again I went back to the world I wanted and it worked successfully. LOL okay so it was probably pure luck but I did get in.

    I did have issues twice with game crashes but neither time did I have any issue getting back into the game.

  2. There was also a fix I found on the LOTRO page on Facebook that worked for me: Using the arrow at the top right of the launcher, choose Options, and then check the “check for updates” box, close launcher, and restart. It did not work for everyone, according to comments, but it helped me and some others.

  3. Hmm I had this problem but restarting the launcher usually fixed it so I could log on.
    Since they broke the music system though I guess I won’t need to log on again soon anyways.

  4. I would go into an automatic flashing alt-tab loop between lotro and my desktop whenever there was an in game load like starting an instance ect. I set my DirectX settings back to 9 from 10 and it seems to have “fixed” it

    1. curious if that was a permanent fix, I have the same problem now, seems to happen even when I am just walking in game

  5. Still have the problem not getting into the game
    username, password, world selection(play button) and ….. nothing anymore. No character selection screen comes up, nothing, Client stops working without launching. No error message. I don’t know what to do, have tried every solution provided so far in this case. Nothing. Please help

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