Forgotten LOTRO Lore: The Summer of War

lore_summerofwarIn the summer of 2012, while the North America servers were fishing and betting on drunken dwarf races, players in Europe were enjoying a very different summer experience. While both regions were partaking in the Summer Festival, the EU servers were given an additional special event: the Summer of War.(1)

During the Summer of War, Codemasters, who ran the EU LOTRO servers, would conduct what they called Weekends of Dread. During these weekends, a GM controlled level 65 troll named Nhorrglob with 680,000 morale would be spawned in the world.(2) Nhrorrglob was spotted in the North Downs, Ettenmoors and Mirkwood and was reported to drop fireworks, Carrot Cakes and weapons.(3)(4)(5)

The event proved to be quite popular with the EU players, with servers being known to crash due to the overwhelming number of players which participated. A video posted by an EU player shows five trolls meeting the Free People in combat, which probably helped contribute to both the popularity of the event, and the server crashes.

The Summer of War also featured 1v1 Creep tournament, though few details of this can be found.(6)

Did you take part in the Summer of War event? Do you remember bringing down Nhorrglob the troll, or proving yourself in the 1v1 Creep tournament?

2 thoughts on “Forgotten LOTRO Lore: The Summer of War”

  1. Haha awesome memories bro ;D Just found this post!
    And you have a link to our kin forums, was epic fun! Massive lag also! Trolls would die 5minute later for me xD
    Remember particuarlly the Mirkwood ones ;D

    Thanks for epic memories! safe travels friend!

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