Update 15 To Launch 5th November

Today Massively posted an article stating that from a developer call Update 15 was revealed to release onto the Live severs on Wednesday, 5th November.

This is unusual, since most major LOTRO updates launch on Mondays(presumably to allow for any possible problems). For those unsure of what is coming with Update 15, here are the main features:

  • New Epic Book; Volume 4: Book 2
  • New level 100~ zone, Central Gondor
  • New Offensive Epic Battle, Retaking Pelargir
  • New Class, the Beorning

8 thoughts on “Update 15 To Launch 5th November”

    1. A developer call is typically a press call where multiple developers and press are on the same call talking about an update or feature to a game. In this case it revealed the release date.

      1. Ah! Thank you for the info! I was imagining anything from what you described to the massively staff sitting around with fancy equipment listening to chatter from secretly bugged phone calls between devs to get a scoop!

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