6 thoughts on “Lilikate’s Screenshots: Bree Stage.”

  1. The annoying part is they are always like lvl 7 or 8. That means they created the toon specifically to troll and grief people. I can find a better way to spend an hour or two then creating three toons on three accounts, getting them through the nursery, and then standing in front of the stage in bree. I swear some people’s kids.

  2. Actually, the character responsible for this hasn’t played in two years save for the sole purpose to grief the musicians on Landroval. I’ve been watching him do it for that long and making harassment tickets on him for as long. This is the first time the Lotro GM’s have refused to support us which is strange as its always been considered griefing until this week. I think the COC stands for Constitution of Confusion being its worded in such a way that one could interpret it however they wish and the recent GM’s sure have taken the low road this time around. Its griefing, its not griefing, make up your minds for goodness sake…

    1. I haven’t been around thisSunday but I remember a similar occurence a few month back where the culprit was pretty promptly dealt with by a GM.
      I hope the lack in response of the GM’s here is just a temporary hiccup.
      If none action to these things become the norm it would be one of the few reasons I would consider cancelling my VIP status/rethinking my spending habbits in Lotro over.

  3. On a side note I didn’t put that many tickets in for Lotro but my customer service experiece with Turbine over at DDO is that escalating a ticket quite often helps.
    Where a Senior GM basically overrules the first GM and helps me with my ticket the first GM said there’s nothing he can do about it.
    Of course that’s probably too time intensive for an one hour concert.

  4. I would like to see the offending party whisked away at the first signs he is being a pest to spend an hour in the Bar at the 21st Hall. The folks within this community are going about their peaceful business sharing music and presentations that take a long time and effort to create. Time for GM’s (ALL GM’s) to regard this behaviour as offensive and against the CoC’s and Zap his and his alts behinds elsewhere… There are many places to stand in middle earth. It is strange that this player only likes standing between performers and their audiences. Enough Already! Goat Power!

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