Poll: Do You Like The Hobbit Films So Far?

With the third hobbit film right around the corner, we are wondering what you think of the hobbit films so far.

Do You Like The Hobbit Films So Far?

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9 thoughts on “Poll: Do You Like The Hobbit Films So Far?”

  1. First movie was pretty good. The second one I have mixed feeling about: theatrical version was horrible but from what I’ve seen (still working on) of the extended edition PJ needs to be hit over the head with a carrot for cutting certain plot/character development points.

  2. I do not like them at all due to extreme changes made by PJ to Tolkiens story. If PJ thinks that he is such great storyteller, then he should made his own world and lore instead using Tolkiens one.

  3. I really liked that the movie have hobbit book background thins, attack of dol guldur etc things of unfinished tales, but i dont like that there are too computer effects. Lotr movies are breathtaking and harsh nature, hobbit moveis atmosphere is too perfect. And that azog roaring all the time and continuin battles…hobbit in the books is quest of secret and make journey hiding, not all the tiem fight with the orcs and things. But overall i think they are pretty great movies!

  4. As long as it doesn’t concern you that Peter Jackson has totally rewritten Bilbo and Thorin and the storyline, yes, I like it. I also like seeing what we only heard about in narrative or the epilogue chapters.

  5. The Movies are fun but in no way relate to the world of Tolkien as I understand it. I shan’t be voting in this poll as there needs to be an extra option. “Good but this is clearly not The Hobbit”. – Just a movie based on some of the characters and places in the Novel The Hobbit.

    1. That’s kinda how I managed to enjoy the LOTR, Movies more of an alternate universe kinda thing lol.
      But for the “Hobbit” movie even that didn’t work for me.

  6. I wouldn’t necessarily say they’re great, but I am generally happy with them. They have a lot of changes, some of which are pointless, but most just help to move the story along more easily and give more information.

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