LOTRO Players RPG Now Available!

Have you ever wanted to rescue Merric and Goldenstar? Enter a skirmish camp with Pineleaf? Walk into Mordor? Well, now you can join the LOTRO Players News gang on a quest of semi-epic proportions as we battle our way through a somewhat immersive world to save the CSTM crew!

Download Link

The LOTRO Players RPG is being made available for free for a limited time courtesy of LOTRO player and Extra Life team member Andrew (@DJPimpdaddy), who designed and coded the entire game within a 24 hour period, so you know it’s got to be good.

ONLY in this game, can you:

  • See the real Pineleaf origin story!
  • Witness an epic rap battle!
  • Battle the RNG!
  • Visit Draculetta’s castle, and help him search for the red skeleton steed!
  • Tour the Braxwood!
  • Adventure with Andang, Mysteri, Draculetta, Ethelros, Cithryth, and Braxwolf through a world of wonder and excitement, filled with danger and surprise members of the LOTRO and LOTRO Players community!

In addition, a secret DLC code will be “leaked” on an upcoming episode of LOTRO Players News that allows for a few easter eggs, such as the option to use “Welcome to the Braxwood” (sung by Andrew himself) as the music for the Braxwood zone.

This LOTRO Players exclusive will be available for a limited time, so make sure to grab your copy here while supplies last!

Much thanks to Andrew for this amazing creation!

Note to Windows 8 users: Windows 8 does not trust the publisher of this game (Andrew), and frankly, neither do I. But if you want to play it, you’re going to have to tell Windows 8 that you want to run it anyway.

Braxwolf's Twitter


21 thoughts on “LOTRO Players RPG Now Available!”

  1. I give it an eleventy-one/10. A hard-hitting interactive biopic on the lives and tribulations that podcasters face while attempting to discover themselves in this chaotic landscape we call our own.

    Plus, there’s pie.

    1. No one could forget you! As a matter of fact at one point I thought to myself “Where is Lilikate?” Though you were there in spirit, as Tinki.

      1. Oh I am being sarcastic! Obviously Lilikate is off exploring and looking for Creatures!

  2. I wanted to check this out, but did NOT want all of the extra crap that Filedropper wanted to install along for the ride. 🙁 Maybe you can post a video of someone playing???

    1. Is anyone else having trouble with crapware from file dropper? When I tested it, I thought it simply downloaded the zip file that included the RPG. File dropper was an alternate way to distribute the file once DJ’s dropbox shut down due to high traffic volume. DJ is actually paying for them to distribute the game so there shouldn’t be any additional garbage.

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