The folks over at Bundle Stars have a great deal going on right now (for 48 hours) on Middle-Earth: Shadows Of Mordor. for $33.33! So far that’s the best price that I have seen on this.
So if you were on the fence about it, or just want to see what all the fuss is about head over to Bundle Stars and pick it up. Pick me one up while your at it! Hurry fast though, as this deal only lasts for 48 hours!
I can get it for 24.99€ or 31.8$ at another site I frequently use (bought HD expansion there, bought Endless Legend, bought Rift, FFXIV, …). Not sure if I’m allowed to share the link. New discounts all the time, the Shadow of Mordor one is up for another 1d13hrs
You can get a steam code for like $25 on a different site and it’s no timed offer either, you just gotta search a bit…