LOTRO Store Sales 10/17/14 – 10/23/14

Free Sample Of The Week October 17th – 23rd
Simple Rally Horn x1 Use Coupon Code RALLY5 5/Account




Shared Storage

  20% Off 595-995 476-796

Drac Says – YES!!! YES!!! ALWAYS good to see this on sale! Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Vault Upgrades

20% Off 195-995 156-796

Drac Says – YES!!! YES!!! ALWAYS good to see this on sale! Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Inventory Slots

20% Off 325 260 vip_button_small_en

Drac Says – You can never have enough Inventory! Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Currency Cap

20% Off 395 316 vip_button_small_en

Drac Says – I’d say if your F2P Or Premium than you want to invest in this.. More Monies Is Good! Thumbs_Up (Custom)


6 thoughts on “LOTRO Store Sales 10/17/14 – 10/23/14”

  1. All good but am saving up for Mirkwood…back being Premium has its disadvantages when you think you have an area/expansion but find out you do not upon arrival 🙁

  2. Alas, I would give the Vault upgrade purchase a big ‘ol “Meh” on the DracScale…or thumbs down or whatever it is. You’d want to be purchasing your Vault space as far as it allows with gold first. By that point at which you cannot buy any more Vault space with gold, the first TP cost for 15 slots or so PER CHARACTER is like 895 TP (or 716 here on sale).

    If you have any free character slots, it is much more efficient to just create a new/mule character and upgrade their Vault to the max. Run out of character slots on that server? Make a new account, and now you have a fresh set of character slots for that server. The only reason I’d see to buy the TP-charged Vault slots would be if you ONLY have one character, are a hoarder, and REFUSE to utilize any other character slots. Pretty slim, I’d say.

    Rest of the sales are just fine, as they are account-wide purchases. Great investments if you need the space.

    1. Indeed, I should have clarified that.. always buy with IN GAME GOLD as far you can.. very good tip..

      Also, NEVER buy any storage unless it’s on sale! 🙂

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