For both Arwen and Eowyn, they’re significantly stronger in the movies than in the books, largely a result of how women are perceived by society in the early 21st century as opposed to the early 20th century. That being said, even in the movie Arwen is little more than Aragorn’s romantic interest, while in both versions Eowyn rises above her love-sickness to do what was thought to be impossible.
My favorite character has always been the Lady of the Wood. So I go with Team Galadriel. She supported Gandalf. But if I must choose between Arwen or Eowyn, it’s a draw because I like them for different reasons. Eowyn for standing up to the Witch King.
Eowyn. Book Arwen was okay in a ‘background character with not much depth’ sort of way (ie, no real contest). Movie Arwen was a romantic plot tumor that led to long swathes of time with mournful music playing as she took the plot away to overly dramatic land. If they wanted more depictions of strong women, they could’ve used the time to have Galadriel and the elves of Mirkwood tear down the citadel.
both had a diferent battle and courage, arwen had her dificult choice to sacrifice her imortality to be with her own true love and eowyn had her courage in battle, so i go for arwen she didnt know how to use a sword or a shield but that doesnt make her less courageous than eowyn.
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Movie Arwen or book Arwen?
For both Arwen and Eowyn, they’re significantly stronger in the movies than in the books, largely a result of how women are perceived by society in the early 21st century as opposed to the early 20th century. That being said, even in the movie Arwen is little more than Aragorn’s romantic interest, while in both versions Eowyn rises above her love-sickness to do what was thought to be impossible.
‘Killed the Witch-King’ versus ‘made a banner’. Man that’s a tough choice.
Well she did rejoin the Elrond and Elros lines. And it is implied she allowed Frodo to travel to the Blessed realm.
Since it appears Team Shelob is not an option, I had to give it to the shieldmaiden who took on a Nazgul and lived to see another day.
Since they can both probably kick my butt, I’ll change it up and go team Rosie Cotton
My favorite character has always been the Lady of the Wood. So I go with Team Galadriel. She supported Gandalf. But if I must choose between Arwen or Eowyn, it’s a draw because I like them for different reasons. Eowyn for standing up to the Witch King.
Eowyn. Book Arwen was okay in a ‘background character with not much depth’ sort of way (ie, no real contest). Movie Arwen was a romantic plot tumor that led to long swathes of time with mournful music playing as she took the plot away to overly dramatic land. If they wanted more depictions of strong women, they could’ve used the time to have Galadriel and the elves of Mirkwood tear down the citadel.
Either way, Eowyn was far more interesting.
both had a diferent battle and courage, arwen had her dificult choice to sacrifice her imortality to be with her own true love and eowyn had her courage in battle, so i go for arwen she didnt know how to use a sword or a shield but that doesnt make her less courageous than eowyn.
But is it courage? Eowyn wanted to die in battle, and was disappointed when she didn’t,
Eowyn is one of the most memorable characters in literature. Arwen is a footnote.