The Beorning is a completely original addition to LOTRO’s class system. It offers an experience that is completely its own while still feeling like a LOTRO class.
The originality of the class is clear even at character creation when selecting the new race of Beorning and creating your character.
The class is made even more special by receiving its own starting area in a small Beorning village. The new area has graphics up to par with the newer areas in the game and seems to reflect something close to Beorn’s home from The Hobbit.
The combat surrounding the Beorning class seems to be the biggest draw for many players. While at first I thought the ability to change into a bear seemed gimmicky, once I organized skills and got used to the class at level 50, the class became wholly its own and the bear form starts to make sense. The most important part is simply that the class becomes a lot of fun once you get used to the mechanic.
Overall the Beorning seems like it will be a great addition to LOTRO. While it does break the lore, the fun factor more than makes up for this class being added to the game.
Won’t be making one myself, but definately look forward to their addition.
I honestly don’t think it’s as damaging to lore as some people say (commenting on something in the last video). Yes, it is a bit of a stretch, but I /believe/ I recall the Hobbit saying that Beorn’s descendents could skinchange as well. I don’t have the book where I am now, so cannot check.
So you’re left with ‘Hey, but there’s so many of them!’ Yes, there are. And there were few elves left in Middle Earth during the War of the Ring, comparatively – something you don’t see from the sheer mass of elves on various servers. So that’s not an issue really.
Totally agree with this comment. Why are there thousands of any class running around the game. To me, the only sticking point was addressed when they made it so you can only transform during combat which should assuage all the people concerned about bears running around all over Bree. (Not that you don’t get that already with lm’s). The class is clearly supported by the book references, so i don’t understand all of the lore breaking comments. If they only relate to volume, see my earlier comment and ‘bear with us’.
The issue is more that we technically only know of one Beorning and that is Beorn and he is likely dead at this time. While the Beornings did exist as a people, we don’t know if they can shape-shift.
You are right though in that really none of the people should be there running around except maybe the race of man.
Now that I have the _Hobbit_ on me, a quote from the end:
“Beorn indeed became a great chief afterwards in those regions and ruled a wide land between the mountains and the wood; and it is said that for many generations the men of his line had the power of taking bear’s shape, and some were grim men and bad, but most were in heart like Beorn, if less in size and strength.”
So yeah, his descendents could shapeshift.
so it would seem
I hate to be a troll (I think I’m an established lore monkey), but I just don’t like the fact that every single one of Beorn’s followers can turn into a bear.
They can’t. The intro zone makes it clear that you’re an actual /descendent/ of Beorn. Which hey, means the guy was pretty virile, but that’s okay.
I thought that the beorning would be a very complex class with a lot of skills that would be hard to manage, but watching the lvl 50 beorning video makes me think otherwise.
It can still feel very complex if you don’t have your skills organized. Once I did that, everything made sense.
when this class come to the lotro store to buy?
This class is planned to come in Update 15 later this year. Current price (subject to change) on the test server is 1000 TP.
When they hit level 15 & do the housing quest. Would they still get the bear skin rug?
Lol! That would be terrible!
What’s it say about me that I’m totally going to use the bear helmet cosmetic on my Beorning?
Pik-a-nic time Boo-boo.