Cithryth’s First Look at the Beorning

Hey everyone! Today saw Update 15 come to the public test server, Bullroarer. I decided to document my first look at the Beorning race/class in character creation as well as the starter intro for the class.

I also took a screenshot of the Beorning trait tree Specialization choosing screen:



From what I’ve seen so far, I think the race/class is very interesting. I’m glad they chose to make the human form of the Beorning so distinct from Race of Man characters and (being me) I’m glad they decided to actually make new cosmetics for the Beornings to start with.

There’s definitely still bugs, placeholders, and tweaking that needs to happen but so far I’m intrigued. Remember, it is the first build of Beta, so everything is subject to change. What do you think of this race/class so far?




4 thoughts on “Cithryth’s First Look at the Beorning”

  1. I like the size of the bears, they look pretty big. I’m sure the graphical glitches will be fixed in time. I admit, I’m not terribly pleased with how -short- the intro is, maybe they’ll ad a bit. Jumping to five like that is a bit eh, to my mind.

    I hope they don’t cave on the Beorning appearance, though. I _LIKE_ that the female Beornings are big and bulky, it really fits. I’ve seen complaints already about how they are too ‘square’ and should be more slender.

    I tend to avoid the test server, myself, but I’m curious about the skill trees. I hear that the yellow line has a trait a bit like a captain’s mark, where those hitting the enemy gets heals. That can be fun. I wonder if it will stack with the captain’s, and how good the support roll is.

    Also curious how well the ‘tanking’ spec works. I’m hoping it’s a strong, viable tanking tree. Finally, I’m really hoping that unlike Champions (where DW beats 2H unless you’re doing PvMP), Beorning powers are tailored for DW or 2H, and they’re equal.

    1. Yeah, I don’t understand why people are complaining about the female Beornings. They turn into bears, for crying out loud! I would expect them to be big, buff, and bulky. And not to mention – not every character model has to be thin and ‘conventionally attractive’. I love seeing a variety of body types available in game characters.

  2. This was fun to watch! Thank you, Cithryth. I have saved TP & will purchase a Beorning as soon as it’s available after update 15. I am soooo excited!!!

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