Today the Executive Producer for LOTRO, Aaron ‘Rowan’ Campbell posted a letter talking about their current plans for Update 15, as well as some changes to their schedule.
Among the highlights we have:
- Update 15 goes onto Bullroarer for public testing on 10th October
- The Beorning will being in the new zone of the Vale of Anduin
- The trait lines for the Beorning, The Roar(utility/healing?), The Claw,(damage) and The Hide(tank)
- Central Gondor will contain the areas of the Ringlo Vale, Dor-en-Ernil and Lebennin
- A new type of group content, Roving Threats
- The new Epic Battle in Pelargir will have us clear the way for Aragorn and the Army of the Dead
- We will be able to progress at our own pace, completing optional objectives if we wish to
- The Legendary Item Update has been pushed back to Update 16 in April(although it may arrive earlier, for further testing and polish
- Osgiliath and Minas Tirith slated for 2015.
Will Osgiliath be the new Pvmp zone? I think that was discussed at one point.
They have said it’s a *possibility*, but looking at their track record with PvMP zones, I would err on the side of caution and say it’s not going to happen.
How are we preparing Pelargir for Aragorn when we are following him through the pathes of the dead? I recall, once Aragorn leaves the POD, he goes with increadible haste straight to Pelargir, thus not giving us an opportunity to get ahead of him.
Elves will give us mega giga super fast horse that will allow us to travel to Dead Marshes (crossing Anduin included), come back and still reach Pelargir before Aragorn the Slow…
Am I readding right that Pelargir will be included in this update? If so that means the new offensive epic battle will come with it.
according to the forums, the new epic battle will be a solo/duo and 6-man only…no 12-man
Later in the thread Turbine also note that:
* New music system will be revealed tomorrow; and
* Additional character slots will be added in the Update.