LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 34: Battle Cats vs Super Toads

This week we finish out our journey on the road to Erebor and also have fun with more of the Mirkwood skirmishes.


A big thanks to Brittany for her $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players.

“I love listening to the podcasts whilst playing lotro! Thank-you for the hours of enjoyment! Cheers!”

A big thanks to Louryn & Eberwulf for their $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players.

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Final Thoughts

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Thanks for listening!

3 thoughts on “LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 34: Battle Cats vs Super Toads”

  1. Would it kill you to look at the tactics before entering a fight like this? Its painful watching you all wipe because you refuse to use any tactics whatsoever…

  2. You guys crack me up. I just transferred to landy, and I feel like I should teach you guys how to beat some of these raids. Probably still die, but with style.

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