LOTRO Players News Episode 67: Legendary Item Mutiny

This week we talk about a Beorning image that was released on Twitter and also are happy to have DJPimpDaddy as a guest.

Blooper video here.

Game News

LOTRO Beorning Image

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LOTRO Players News

Helm’s Deep Premium Edition Giveaway

Poll: What is your favorite added system to LOTRO?

Scout’s Honor (Part 1) – A Burglars Guide to the Quiet Knife

LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 33: Zebra Cats

Forgotten LOTRO Lore: The Fashion Maven

LOTRO Video Highlights: I am Warden

LOTRO Outfits: Exploring Moria

Brax’s pick(s) of the week:

News Beyond LOTRO

A Wizard For Himself – Part Two


A big thanks to Brittany for her $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players.

“I love listening to the podcasts whilst playing lotro! Thank-you for the hours of enjoyment! Cheers!”

A big thanks to Louryn & Eberwulf for their $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players.

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.



Barnabras left a five star review on iTunes:

“Great show, never miss it.  Information (news) is given in a very accessible way.  Keeps you up to date on all the goings on, and plenty of laughs to boot.

Featured Comments

Saritha Beauchamp left a comment on the Beorning image article:

“Too tall to be a dwarf, but too thick to be a man,” just highlights how Beornings really should be a race and not a class. A race with only one possible class, but still a race.”


Kazren sent us an email:

“Hi, Lotro Players,

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the show.  I hope Mystery is feeling better.  Your discussion about lore vs Turbine creation was very interesting.  Thank you for another great show.

Kazren aka Tolkyyn”

Kain also sent us an email:

“So I have been a lifetime subscriber since launch, and played in the beta. However I rushed cap with my guardian, maxed weapon smithing, and then feeling incredibly burnt out a mere couple of months after the fact I have only come back off and on since. Recently I got the bug again and I have heard about plug-ins, something I have never messed with before, and I am not sure where to begin. Most lists of recommended plug ins are several years old, and the LOTRO Academy podcast on the subject is from 2011. It all seems a little complex and I don’t want to go off of these lists and find myself having issues because the plug ins are outdated, etc.

Long story short, what plug-ins would you guys recommend in 2014, and are any of the warden plug-ins worthwhile? I have been finding the class a lot of fun to play, and it has been my main character to log in with of late.

Kain (Dwarf Guardian)


Barnabras sent in an origin story:

“Hello Lotro players, I have a song parady for Brax.  It is sung to Guns and Roses “welcome to the jungle”.  It must be song in an Axel Rose voice!!


“Welcome To The Braxwood”

Welcome to the braxwood

He plays LOTRO games

He’s got every plank you want

Pineleaf doesn’t even know his name

He is the hunter that can find

Whatever you may need

If you got the Braxbucks, buddy

He can cure your disease




In the Braxwood

Welcome to the Braxwood

Watch it bring you to your

trees, trees

I gotta crit and get extra bleed


Welcome to the Braxwood

He’ll be late today

If you are orc you’re gonna bleed

But it’s the price you pay

And you’re a very deadly troll

That’s very hard to kill

You can take the big crits

But you won’t get them for free

In the Braxwood

Welcome to the Braxwood

Feel my, my, my Extralife dream

I, I wanna hear your bowstring scream


Welcome to the Braxwood

It gets better here everyday

Ya learn ta live like a wolf

In the Braxwood where we play

If you got a hunger for what you see

You’ll take it eventually

You can have any table you want

But you better not take it from me




And when you’re in the clan you never

Ever want to leave, YEAH!


You know where you are

You’re in the braxwood orcy

You’re gonna die

In the Braxwood

Welcome to the Braxwood

Watch it bring you to your

trees, trees

In the Braxwood

Welcome to the Braxwood

Feel my, my, my Extralife dream

In the Braxwood

Welcome to the Braxwood

Watch it bring you to your

trees, trees

In the Braxwood

Welcome to the Braxwood

Watch it chop you to your

It’ gonna cut you down-HA!”

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The Players Alliance @PlayersAlly

LOTRO Players @LOTROPlayers

Andang @PvMP_Andang

Braxwolf @Braxwolf

Cithryth @Cithryth

Draculetta @Draculetta_72

Ethelros @Ethelros

Lilikate @LilikateBuggins

Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Follow our guest: @djpimpdaddy

Final Thoughts

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Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Players News

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You can also join us on Landroval for LOTRO Players Adventures each Saturday at 5 p.m. Eastern.

Thanks for listening!

4 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 67: Legendary Item Mutiny”

  1. Thank you LPN for indulging my silliness. Great read DJPD, if I had known I would have used the song “Sure Shot” by the Beastie Boys.

    1. I wish Brax had been there, so we could have witnessed his reaction to his song first-hand. Actually, in a way, I suppose he was… 🙂

      That was amazing 🙂

  2. LOL. Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, I could never figure out how to get the guy to check the mail. I gave up. That was on an Atari 800. Good times.

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