Welcome to Dress to Impress.
This is a series of articles taking a close look at the cosmetic dresses in LOTRO.
Today we look at the Gossamer Dress.
This cosmetic garment is available from the cosmetics vendor at any skirmish camp. It is quite easy to obtain for 78 marks and 4 Medallions.
This outfit is Bind on Equip but I just pop it into my wardrobe and cosmetically equip it on any of my characters.
Here is the Gossamer Dress in it’s default (pre dyed) colour. The most notable aspect of this dress is the patterned front panel, bodice and sleeves which are ornamented in a leaf design. The waist is highlighted with a band which draws your eye to the pattern. This garment is best dyed with a colour that highlights this delicate ornament.
Here in my collage you can view all the available dye options, some dyes give more of a contrast to the skirt and front panel than other colours. This is a very versatile dress making it one of my favourite dresses to put in my wardrobe.
Here is my video slide show of the Gossamer dress, all the dye options can be viewed set to a beautiful piece of music by Kevin MacLeod entitled “Water Lily”.
Onto my favourite part of these posts: Outfit Suggestions.
Zalana sent me this shot of the Gossamer dress dyed Purple. She has also picked a beautiful setting in which to take her screenshot. Nothing more need be added to this garment apart from a delicate ornament worn in the hair.
No surprises here, Lizzy selected Rose to dye her dress and wanted to climb somewhere very high. So here she is on the top of the home of the Brandybucks! She is also wearing a flower circlet, dyed rose and a pretty back pack also dyed rose.
Shintako sent me this musical screenshot. She is wearing the Gossamer Dress dyed Ered Luin Blue. Accessorized with a flower circlet and dark blue cloak. As we can see the tall folk like to finish this outfit with a matching pair of evening slippers. Very nice for a night of music and fun in The Shire.
I decided to take inspiration from the forest and opt for Walnut Brown for my dress. I have a hat from the Summer Festival rewards vendor and my shoulders were gifted to me as I was questing in Western Gondor. I also wear a plain cloak available in Bree. All of my accessories are dyed Walnut Brown. In my hand I have my mug ready to sip the waters of Fangorn! I have a Wood Lily in my right hand which I think I may be about to drop
Hollyberye sent in a front and back view of the Gossamer Dress in Sea Blue. She looks beautiful as she matches the shades and tones of this Western Gondorian Town. On her head is a simple Harvestmath Circlet. This garment is wonderful for tall and small folk alike.
Thanks to everyone who sent in a screenshot for this post, see you next time on Dress to Impress!