I have to vote for Phasing. The story is hands down the most important part of LOTRO for me, and the addition of phasing has made the storylines Turbine has crafted that much more engrossing. The rest range from ‘Oh god please no'(LIs), to ‘meh'(Housing, Hobbies), to ‘Okay but I don’t love them'(EBs).
FInally skirmishes are like cheese crackers for me. I can eat a dozen of them and enjoy them well enough, but I’ll never eat one and think to myself, “This is amazing.”
Cosmetics. No other subsystem has (or should that be had instead?) as big a community built around it and as many people ingame actively working on it. Why they refuse to expand it into cosmetic weaponry is beyond me. So many gorgeous low lvl weapons (the green LI sword, the forged elven-steel mace, the world drop lvl 15 1h axe, …)
Why epic battles are getting no love? :d They were a nice addition and are a great break from traditional raiding..offcourse there is room for making them better
What does the term “Phasing” mean? The only things I could think of was bending time and space to walk thru walls, and Captain Kirks weapon. I don’t think either of them are correct.
Actually not too far off. It is the tech they use to make NPCs and the environment move and disappear for some players who have completed certain quests in the main world. So two players could be standing in the same spot and see completely different things.
I voted for Cosmetics but wanted to throw a nod to the new Essence system as well, for much the same reason.
If there was no cosmetic system, everyone would be running around wearing the same thing. And, if there was no Essence system, the blight of dullness and simplicity that Helm’s Deep brought to itemization would have us all using the same few things.
…and there is nothing like running around with over 70,000 Physical Mastery
I voted for phasing, It makes game experience so much better. Would love to see it more often and on greater scale.
All others are really bad (hobby) or have issues. I would vote for cosmetics, but we do not have weapons cosmetics, which is lame cause some weapons are ugly like hell, Also war steed cosmetics are hard to get or insanely expensive.
Skirms getting boring fast and they mix creeps in terrible way ruining a little experience.
LI is overvcomplicated and has huge flow – there should be one weapon changed only when I want, not because it is overleveld. Finally Turbines plans to add it, but from lvl 100
Housing. Too few slots for decorations, Badly designed. Should be more areas, should be one house for one character.
Mounted combat, Should be allowed in all regions (we get steed in Rohan, skills at 75, but can fight on it everywhere).
Epic battles, well, if Pelargir epic will be good, then it can be one of the best addons.
It should be absolutely no surprise to anyone that I voted for the cosmetic system.
You can’t really say music was added as it was in at launch.
So it would seem. I just assumed since the ABC system was not added until a few months after release that the music system was the same.
I went ahead and removed music from the poll. Thanks for pointing that out!
I have to vote for Phasing. The story is hands down the most important part of LOTRO for me, and the addition of phasing has made the storylines Turbine has crafted that much more engrossing. The rest range from ‘Oh god please no'(LIs), to ‘meh'(Housing, Hobbies), to ‘Okay but I don’t love them'(EBs).
FInally skirmishes are like cheese crackers for me. I can eat a dozen of them and enjoy them well enough, but I’ll never eat one and think to myself, “This is amazing.”
Cosmetics. No other subsystem has (or should that be had instead?) as big a community built around it and as many people ingame actively working on it. Why they refuse to expand it into cosmetic weaponry is beyond me. So many gorgeous low lvl weapons (the green LI sword, the forged elven-steel mace, the world drop lvl 15 1h axe, …)
Why epic battles are getting no love? :d They were a nice addition and are a great break from traditional raiding..offcourse there is room for making them better
great break from traditional raiding? we haven’t had a proper multi-tiered raid in almost two years…lol
What does the term “Phasing” mean? The only things I could think of was bending time and space to walk thru walls, and Captain Kirks weapon. I don’t think either of them are correct.
Actually not too far off. It is the tech they use to make NPCs and the environment move and disappear for some players who have completed certain quests in the main world. So two players could be standing in the same spot and see completely different things.
Definitely the cosmetic system.
Ahh like Hytbold, thanks.
Hytbold and that town that gets destroyed in Western Rohan and several other places.
I voted for Cosmetics but wanted to throw a nod to the new Essence system as well, for much the same reason.
If there was no cosmetic system, everyone would be running around wearing the same thing. And, if there was no Essence system, the blight of dullness and simplicity that Helm’s Deep brought to itemization would have us all using the same few things.
…and there is nothing like running around with over 70,000 Physical Mastery
I voted for phasing, It makes game experience so much better. Would love to see it more often and on greater scale.
All others are really bad (hobby) or have issues. I would vote for cosmetics, but we do not have weapons cosmetics, which is lame cause some weapons are ugly like hell, Also war steed cosmetics are hard to get or insanely expensive.
Skirms getting boring fast and they mix creeps in terrible way ruining a little experience.
LI is overvcomplicated and has huge flow – there should be one weapon changed only when I want, not because it is overleveld. Finally Turbines plans to add it, but from lvl 100
Housing. Too few slots for decorations, Badly designed. Should be more areas, should be one house for one character.
Mounted combat, Should be allowed in all regions (we get steed in Rohan, skills at 75, but can fight on it everywhere).
Epic battles, well, if Pelargir epic will be good, then it can be one of the best addons.