Important LOTRO Players Announcement

LOTRO Players

The LOTRO Players Team has big announcement to make:

LOTRO Players has grown far and wide with the help of Middle-earth Network.  Without their and CSTM’s support, we would likely have never been able to become what we are today.  Sadly though we have grown to a point that a move is necessary.  That is why we are excited to announce that we will be expanding into The Players Alliance.  

The Players Alliance will be a network with the same goals as LOTRO Players; a community building network designed to help grow gaming communities and promote great content.  With that we are happy to officially announce our first new site, DDO Players.  

You may be wondering what this means for LOTRO Players. While there are admittedly challenges ahead, we wanted to be transparent to our readers and listeners about the plans for LOTRO Players and The Players Alliance moving forward.

First off, LOTRO Players intends to continue providing quality player/fan created LOTRO content via the website and podcasts. We also intend to continue as a community where important issues dealing with the game are discussed intelligently, respectfully, and sometimes playfully. We believe that these things, along with everything else that LOTRO Players does, are important to the greater LOTRO community and intend for them continue. In order to continue fostering these things, LOTRO Players will be moved to a new host.

Once we get the new LOTRO Players site up and running, we will then move forward with The Players Alliance and DDO Players.

This move comes with several challenges, technical as well as financial. For example, the domain will be retired and replaced with Any bookmarks and links to the old name will be broken after the move, so please update your browser favorites. We want to stress that the content and layout of the site itself will not be changing. However, because The Middle-earth Network had traditionally absorbed some of the hosting costs for their partners, additional finances will be required to keep the site running once LOTRO Players changes to an independent site. Some of these costs will be covered by current site revenue, but don’t be surprised if additional advertising and the occasional calls for donations start to work their way into the mix.

Thank you all for your patience and support!

The LOTRO Players team

6 thoughts on “Important LOTRO Players Announcement”

  1. This is all so sudden. Will we be at M.E.N. house on the weekends and 2 weeks during the year? It seems awful early to start dating again(DDO), were you having an affair? Is new mom pretty, and most importantly who gets custody of Pineleaf?!

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