Where’s Tinki? – The Black Pool.

Welcome back to another edition of Where’s Tinki.


Last time we were searching for Tinki at Harndirion in Enedwaith.

Last weeks answers:

Easy – Standing to the right of the bonfire. Very near the middle of the shot.

Medium – Between the two stone pillars on the left-hand side.

Challenge – Head and hat are visible behind the crate near the inside tent on the left of the shot.


This week Tinki is hiding somewhere by The Black Pool.

Remember! Please think of others before leaving the answers in the comments.

This week I have added a special new extra difficult level just for Pineleaf Needles!

Answers on the next Where’s Tinki.


This is Tinki.


Tinki BPool Easy


Tinki BPool Med


Tinki BPool Challenge

Pineleaf Tier Two

Tinki BPool Pineleaf Tier 2

Have fun finding Tinki! – See you next time.

Tinki BPool Pineleaf Tier 2

Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

14 thoughts on “Where’s Tinki? – The Black Pool.”

  1. I was so proud that I found Tinki in all 3 levels without zooming, and then I saw Pineleaf Tier Two. That just takes the cake (or should I say pie?).

  2. That last one is diabolical. I know where tinki is in the pineleaf tier two picture! An alternate dimension bending both time and space.

  3. For goodness sake people! Tinki’s behind the camera in Pineleaf Teir Two. That’s the only obvious answer because she’s not in the shot.

  4. This is too much fun! Tinki is in the all the pictures. I shall post at the bottom of the post the Tier 2 shot. See if it helps.

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