LOTRO Poems # 8

Hello Friends! 

Welcome to the 8th edition of LOTRO Poem! How awesome was this welcome back week end? I levelled so many alts of mine that in the end my arms starting hurting. Casual Raiders didn’t do much raiding this week since everyone was so busy leveling but we did do a Draigoch run which was fun. i am so glad that we get to slay a dragon in game.

Today’s poem is called ‘LOTRO Players’ and it’s about LOTRO Players, the guys and girls who play LOTRO and have this amazing website and a great podcast.


LOTRO Players

Let’s go on an adventure tonight,

LOTRO Players in their glory and might,   


The Middle-earth is our play ground,

We’re here to win, we won’t turn around,  


Andang brought his young lore-master,

Braxwolf shoots his bow faster,  


Pineleaf is a little hobbit warden,

Draculetta’s class I don’t remember, pardon!  


Ethelros is mighty captain,

Estel-Ali doesn’t join them often,  


But he has a kinship to run,

To lead raids and have fun,  


But LOTRO Players have fun of their own,

They travel through Middle-earth from dusk till dawn,  


They slay the minions of Sauron they meet,

From Forochel’s icy weather to Moria’s heat,  


Each week their fellowship grows,

Their number increase, their legend grows,  


Let’s go on an adventure tonight,

LOTRO Players are ready for a fight.


Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. You can check all previous editions of LOTRO Poems by clicking here. You can follow me on twitter @dgenxali. If you would like to read my non Tolkien poetry, you can checkout my blog dgenxali.wordpress.com. If you play on Brandywine server, you can find me on Estelali or Baginssis. If you want me to feature your poem, you can send it to me at legendraiderx@gmail.com. I would feature it along with your name, website and contact info.

2 thoughts on “LOTRO Poems # 8”

  1. LOTRO PLAYERS make good material for poetry don’t they…

    In deed the show is simply like poetry in motion…

    Sometimes the swirly motion as water races through a plug…

    But more often than not a synchronized swimming team of a podcast!

    Nose plugs not included!

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