Poll: How many books by Tolkien have you read?

How many books by Tolkien have you read?

Would Tolkien approve of LOTRO?

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We were going to ask which books but there were too many good options even with just the more popular ones.

6 thoughts on “Poll: How many books by Tolkien have you read?”

  1. I wonder if the 3 vs 5 split is people who read LOTR in one volume vs people who have it as three physical books?

    My first copy was a single vol paperback, so always consider it one book.

    I have to admit there are plenty of works like Unfinished Tales etc that I have tried to read, but not really got into. Dipped into certain parts of them and skipped others.

  2. The Hobbit, 3 LOTR books, The Silmarillion, Children of Hurin, and Unfinished Tales = 7, so I went with closest answer of 5 🙂

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