This week we are honored to have Braag from Light the Beacons join us to discuss the news this week.
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LOTRO Players News
Poll: Have you read a book by Tolkien?
LOTRO Video Highlights: The Lost Book Teaser 1
The Necromancer Above All – Part 5
Small LOTRO Adventures 18: The Gaffer’s Apples
LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 27: Dwarven Boromir
Brax’s pick of the week: Has LotRO grown too big for its own good? by Justin Olivetti
News Beyond LOTRO
Sauron’s Servants – Shadow of Mordor Trailer
LEGO Walk into Mordor – Brotherhood Workshop
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Coming Nov. 4th
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Brownujr left a 5-star review on iTunes:
“A Jewel in the Lotro Online Community
I started listening to LPN after CSTM went offline. LPN provides the Lotro online Community an indispensable resource from Youtube videos, news, beta previews, reviews, etc. LPN is real gem in the Lotro Online Community!”
Featured Comments
Flosiin left a comment on the class tavern fight poll:
“Oh wait! I change my mind.
The Hunter yells “Hey!” and shoves the captain. The Captain quickly reaches for his banner with the intent of slamming it down. But in the process, he snags the Guardian and Warden by the cross bow and spear causing them all to topple over.
The Rune Keeper gives out a hardy laugh at them. The Warden reaches for her spear and sweeps the rune keeper right off his feet.
The Captain tries to get to his feet but the Hunter tackles him down to the ground again.
By this time the Guardian had gotten to his feet again. The Champion, seeing an opening, charges the Guardian. Shing Shing! But the Guardian was too quick in evading the advance. The Champion plowed straight into a new keg and shattered it! Ale sprayed all over the place and all over the Beorning. This ticked off the Beorning! Standing up and towering over the Champion and says “Do you know how long it took me to get all that orc filth off me?! Ale’s for drinking..not wearing!” She grabs the Champion and Guardian and flings them into the rest of them.
The Lore-master summons his Ent. The Ent yells out “I am Groot!!!!” slamming his foot down and shaking everyone to the floor. Everyone starts to get back to their feet after a moment. A smirk appears on the Lore-masters face. “Sic ’em” he says. All his animal friends to charging after the others. They quick surrender before any harm comes to them. The Lore-master calls off his animal.
But he didn’t see the Minstrel coming behind him. Wham! to the side of the head with the Theobo sending the Lore-master to the floor. The Minstrel didn’t realize there was ale all over the floor by this time. The force of the swing also caused her to slip and slam on the floor.
After a couple minutes, everyone looked up hearing a wonderful chuckle. “I guess that means I won the last piece of pie” says the Burglar between bites. “But we’re a team. A fellowship! I want to share the fun with all of you! Did you see these?” pointing to some pies. 3 very large pies that any Hobbit in finishing in one sitting.
Everyone yells “For the Fellowship!” as they raise their mugs. Everyone every ends up winning!
In the shadows, a dark figure has been watching the whole scene. He lets out a quiet cackle. “Just wait and see what I have coming up against you” says Rook the wizard……..”
Makia of Mirkwood left a comment on last week’s sped up blooper video:
“I’m laughing so hard there are tears. This is absolutely priceless. Thank you for this.”
Lilikate almost pea’d herself too! – Love Lilikate
Zyngor left a comment on last week’s blooper video:
“Step aside David – this is LOTRO Players after Dentist…
This is not a democracy – this is a Braxtatorship!”
Braag left a comment on last week’s episode of LOTRO Players News:
“Dear LOTRO Players Team,
All I can say is “Exactly what kind of Pipe-weed were you smoking during the bloopers session this week”?? and “Be sure to save some for me!”. Ohmygosh, Too funny.
Speaking of Braag, he wrote an origin story in honor of his appearance this week that he would like to read live:
“An ode to PineLeaf
By Braag of Vilya
‘Twas the night before the Podcast, when all through the server
Not a fellow was stirring, at least not with much fervor
The world channel lay dormant, without the usual crap
and even the Moors Creeps seemed to be taking a nap
The raiders were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of First Agers danced in their heads;
and I with my Archer, named Lego-Lass
Had just settled down to do the Icy Crevasse
When out on Twitch there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my kin-house to see what was the matter.
Away to the chat window I flew like a flash,
and nearly got killed by Mobs that were trash
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to the Lieutenants Below
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature Warden, and his sharp pointy spear
With a little old Hobbit, so lively and fine
I knew in a moment he had Needles of Pine.
More abundant than LI’s, of his alts I had heard
and on so many servers it was almost absurd;
“On Landroval! Brandywine, and Gladden was he
Arkenstone, Eldar, you get the idea
With so many toons, it was almost a mania
I’d heard he built his own server and called it Wardania
A Podcast- Host was he of no Little skill,
Who was forced to read poetry each week gainst his will
and rein in the antics of co-hosts galore
to keep things on track and also keep score.
a sound mind he had of metrics and data
and he’d been playing LOTRO almost since Beta
He knew everything, you could know bout the game
and if he was ever wrong, it was you who felt shame
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and round little cheeks
and a rather high-pitched laugh that was somewhat unique
*Insert Pineleaf Laugh here*
He was hairy and short, a right jolly old Took,
though a Filth Shepherd had covered him with Gobbledy-Gook
He lifted a Hope Token High over his head
Which gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He said “Very Well”, and went straight to his work
Tanked all the encounters then turned with a jerk
Counted his marks which took quite a while
It seems all his skirmishing had made quite a pile
He sprang to his Warsteed, ran into the wall
Backed up, moved sideways, and bid farewell to all
But I heard him exclaim, and he said it quite constantly
I hope you remember to Skirmish Responsibly”
Flosiin wrote an origin story for Draculetta:
“In the game, we have normal and reputation horses. In 2012, Turbine brought us War Steeds!
New, for 2015, proudly announcing Battle Goats! The new heavy mount in Lotro!
13.5 m/s top speed, tighter cornering than light steeds plus 3 mounting points for your favorite ale.
Also announcing a new encounter for Storm on Methedras:
“Sange, Draculetta’s Battle Goat”
Gwillion, the old ladie in Methedras, has captured a Druggavar for her own dark purpose. Defeat Sange and his minnions.
But wait! We find out this is no ordinary Druggavar. This is Draculetta’s Druggavar Battle Goat! Gwillion had stolen Wildfear years ago. Help reunite Sange and Draculetta!
10 years ago, Draculetta and Radagast were in Enedwaith investigating a local legend of a terrible dragon. Along the way, they had found several Cuthraul Fear-Casters standing over 2 dead Druggavar and dragging a young and injured Druggavar up a hill. They quickly dispatched the Cuthrauls then tended to the young Druggavar’s wounds. It was fearful of them and first but quickly took a liking to Draculetta. He stuck by Draculetta’s side for 7 years. One evening, Sange had disappeared. There was no trace of him. Draculetta has been in search for him the last 3 years.
In order to reunite Sange and Draculetta, you and your friends must use crowd control on Sange and not kill him for 5 minutes. All while killing Gwillion’s waves of minions.
Reward: You’re own Druggavar Battle Goat! Get all the benifits of a Battle Goat. Plus! Special skill-Druggavar dread. Fear to near by foes (20m). Causes 25% miss chance. If foes goes beyond 20m, debuff lasts on the foe for 6 seconds.
Hope you enjoy!
-Flosiin, captain from Windfola”
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Braxwolf @Braxwolf
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Draculetta @Draculetta_72
Ethelros @Ethelros
Lilikate @LilikateBuggins
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Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles
Follow our guest!
Braag @Braagsonofbalin
Final Thoughts
You can join us LIVE for LOTRO Players News every Saturday at 8:30 p.m. Eastern at
You can also join us on Landroval for LOTRO Players Adventures every Saturday at 5 p.m. Eastern.
Thanks for listening!
As someone who’s lost a loved one to ALS, seeing that Turbine did the Ice Bucket Challenge was incredibly touching. The challenge has more than quadrupled the annual donations towards finding a cure to this fatal disease.
I think it’s awesome that Turbine and the LOTRO community are involved in helping others, from the Fellowship Walk to Sapience’s Extra Life (which I sincerely hope someone else will takeover next year).
“An ode to PineLeaf” By Braag of Vilya
Simply awesome
An odor of pine
So startlingly fresh
Wall walked into, leaves
and I have not forgotten:
Sneaky glance at LPN team
Origin story percolating
Oh what a dream
I simply can’t wait, and that’s not sarcasm
Enjoyed the Ode to Pineleaf but thoroughly enjoyed Flosiin’s class tavern fight story. “I am Groot!” had me on the floor laughing so hard. Did someone mention pie?
what I have noticed is that you guys are really keen on poems. So in an effort to make a fool of myself
I thought I would submit one a wrote for a kinship RP event we did some times ago. Enjoy, and laughing is ok, just don’t point when you do it.
two set as one, the beast and man
come to heed the battle call
unfaltering beneath the enemy barrage
upright in the saddle mustering the charge
with courage extant, daring not to fall
The horse and rider, armour clad, weapon drawn
the quickening madness, the enveloping dark
through blood and sweat their resolve not spartan
tales of the hero’s triumph, victories to hearken
as each volley meets it’s mark
though light may pierce the shadowed foes
their forces left shattered to rent
the fierceness of battle tallies the score
horse and rider asunder upon the moors
their lives for freedom, the cost was spent