Poll: What is your favorite LOTRO expansion?

We are interested which expansion players consider as their favorite.

So, What is your favorite LOTRO expansion?

Did you like the Bingo Boffin storyline?

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14 thoughts on “Poll: What is your favorite LOTRO expansion?”

  1. Overall, probably Riders of Rohan. It had great music, great landscape, great questing, a brand new mechanic to play with and it was the first expansion in LOTRO’s history to provide soloers with something to do at level cap.

    I know a lot of people will vote Moria for its instance cluster, but since I don’t really care about that it’s left to just its questing(since LIs are much much much much much worse than Warsteeds), and assuming we only count Moria pre-revamp it just isn’t up to par.

    1. It shouldn’t though. If the numbers we were given were true, 49 out of every 50 people voting will not have even experienced the Moria instances (or any instances, for that matter).

      Even if every single one out of those 50 that has experienced them voted for Moria purely due to the instances alone, the amount would be so small that it would swallowed up by a reasonable accounting for the margin of error in the poll.

      My vote is for Moria, though. It simply had more of everything than any other expansion to date, and a higher quality as well, in my opinion.

      1. Actually the 10% figure only refers to players *ingame*. It’s well known that people who prefer group content are very overrepresented on social media(forums etc), hence my suspicion of a somewhat slanted poll.

        On the subject of quantity though, Moria actually launched with *fewer* quests than both Isengard and East Rohan and (arguably I guess given the whole vertical axis) was smaller in geography than both East and West Rohan.

      2. Oh, I did not consider that, true 🙂

        As far as quantity, while the expansions may have had the same size in terms of landmass, the fact that Rohan’s land is able to be traversed by fast warhorses, while Moria has to largely be explored on foot, might be a factor maybe. It certainly seems to me that there is more ‘content’ per acre in Moria than in Rohan, but it was finally nice to get outside, too 🙂

    2. Don’t forget about the fact that Moria included two new classes. That combined with the new extensive dungeon landscape, a new system and all the instances I think makes it feel the most like an expansion from a features point of view.
      That being said, RoR is my favorite because it didn’t have the same level of controversy as HD with the story costing money, class changes and EBs. RoR did have a whole new type of land to discover (much more open landscape than ever before), a new system that I really enjoyed and great side-quest story throughout the entire zone (something we hadn’t seen before).
      Mirkwood was too small to be my favorite and Isen didn’t really have a new feature and had a broken ending that left a bad taste in my mouth. (didn’t finish the quests in Isen until I was 95 because I was so turned off by there being no map and them feeling very grindy).

    1. Best comment ever. Isengard definitely had some of the best stories I’ve seen in this game, and I remember distinctly that reference at the end of this comment and how much it said about the whole story of Dunland. (But I laughed at the Forochel romance plot, so take what I say about stories with a grain of salt.)

  2. Can’t decide. Moria is awsome. Rohan? Well, when I entered first time it was like something really refreshening the game (warsteeds and music!). Isengard, very good in storyline IMO, it was really great to see that tragedy that war was for Dunland… Probably best Turbine addition to lore – shifting Dunlandings from group of real evils like orcs, goblins wargs, to yet another victims of Evil forces, brilliant. Also best combined epic with normal quests. That 3 expansions are best and I can’t choose which better.

    HD is extension of RoR and adds nothing new apart from Epic battles (ie enlarged skirms 😉 ). Although I liked a lot some stories there.

    Mirkwood, well surely weakest expansion (only 5 levels and whole attack on Dol Guldur is shown in very lame way IMO, probably the only place in LOTRO were I was dissapointed, expected real siege, elven army, but we got a few elves here and there… fail).

  3. Can’t beleive I can’t even make an educated guess. Been playing since beta and have yet to set foot in Moria 🙂

  4. I voted for SOM because (1) I’m a SOM baby, (2) SOM introduced skirmishes, which I still think is the best system we have for “alternate advancement”, while providing content for all group sizes.

    Too bad Turbine didn’t do more with it.

  5. Rise of isengard for me personally. That’s the first expansion that came out after I joined LOTRO. Also it has one the best raids as well as the awesome and huge tower of Orthanc and the best Steed in game, the Steed of many colors

  6. I absolutely adore Moria in game. I’ve always been quite taken with the idea of this vast, ancient, ruined splendor beneath the mountain and I feel like LotRO brought it to life better than I could have hoped.

    Nothing else in the game has given me quite the same joy as exploring Moria.

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