LOTRO Poems #6

Hello Friends!

Welcome to the sixth edition of LOTRO Poems. This week’s poem is called ‘Casual Stroll’ and its a very special poem to me. It’s inspired by Tolkien’s poem ‘Errantry’.

Casual Stroll

When I was bored of playing,

and slaying, the deeds became boring,

Like everything in life, if you do something over and over again, after a certain period it starts to become boring and LOTRO is no exception to that rule. While killing 300 bats in moria might be fun the first time, it tends to get a bit dull, unexciting (is that even a word? well it is now) and boring. But unlike other games, where raiding and fighting is the only thing you can do, LOTRO offers a vast variaty of things and different play styles for players.

so i started exploring, the middle earth,

the beautiful earth, and all its mystery,

Turn graphics to ultra high (if your pc can handle it) and just go on a stroll, you would be amazed how beautiful this game is, how breathtaking the lanscape is. Visitng all the iconic sites and places that we have read about in the books is a unique experience.

the history, I enjoy the ales

and tales, and the role play,

Ales and Tales , by Lonely Mountain Band Kinship is just wonderful. While I am not a role player per say, I do like to create stories for my characters and invest time in chosing their names and also their relationships. I have Estelali and Undomielali, Berenali and Tinuvielali, Eldarionali, Durinali, Nienorali, Idrilali, Faramirali, Feanorali and Baginssis. All have unique individual stories and relationships. And all of them have ‘Ali’ in them except Baginssis, cause he is special.

and lore play, a break from questing,

just resting, in hall of fire, 

Hall of Fire in Rivendell is such an underutilized place. I think it would be an awesome place for role playing or telling tales.

by the fire, with desire, and a passion,

no more traveling ration, so everyone come,

Yep, travelling rations are of no use anymore. Hurrah! So all of you who had 200 of them stacked in your bags, sell them, trash them! 

welcome, please do come, with Estel-Ali,

or Dgenx-Ali, with all these merry elves,

Most of you already know Estel-Ali by now but I bet many of you are wondering what ‘Dgenx-Ali’ means. ‘Let me tell you something brother’, while I am a huge, like huuuggeeee, Tolkien fan, I am an even bigger wrestling fan. I grew up watching the WWE. One famous faction in the 90’s was called ‘DeGeneration X‘ with Shawn Michaels and Triple H and Chyna. They started the ‘Attitude Era’ in professional wrestling, they were the rebels and broke all the rules and I loved them. So a while back when I started to be more social on the internet, I took ‘DgenX’ and added ‘Ali’ to it and made ‘Dgenxali’, which is my name/username on everything internet. Google it and you will find only me.

the singing elves, the dancing elves,

the Tolkien’s elves and Bilbo,

I think Tolkien elevated the elves in fantasy and gave them stature. Before Tolkien, Elves or Faery, were either like Santa’s helpers or like Tinker Bell. But now when we think of Elves, we think of great characters like Feanor or Galadriel or Arwen, mystical high beings and it’s all thanks to Tolkien.

or was it Bingo, I dont remember, 

but you are a member, of this community, of players,

Yep I read Book of Lost Tales’. You all should give it a try too and you can listen to Mythgard Academy’s free class on the book to help you through it.  Bingo was supposed to be the original name for Frodo. 

the LOTRO Players, who got the news,

and share their views, what they’ve been doing,

LOTRO Players, such a wonderful site and podcast. I am grateful to be part of it. All the hosts have such individual unique personalities and likes and dislikes and views, which make it a great listen.

and pursuing, so listen to them conveying,

when you are bored of playing.

Ok now stop reading and go play LOTRO. But before you do, checkout the my verbal skills as I try to rap this poem.

Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. You can follow me on twitter @dgenxali. If you play on Brandywine server, you can find me on Estelali or Baginssis. If you want me to feature your poem, you can send it to me at legendraiderx@gmail.com. I would feature it along with your name, website and contact info.

6 thoughts on “LOTRO Poems #6”

  1. AWESOME stuff, how to get your post read more than once…love it! (tempted to nick it for my blog…the mix of poem and text!)

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