Hello Everybody,
Over the past few weeks I have been feeling unhappy with the organisational structure of my musical projects.
I have been leading The Starlight Orchestra from one Guildlaunch Site, I have been gathering musicians through the LMB Guildlaunch Site. Often I am trying to poach players at short notice from the Fancy Hats Zeta Boards.
I have other projects and music I would like to perform also and never seem to find the time to play these other transcriptions I have created.
I have a solution: My very own Guildlaunch Site just for my musical projects.
It’s easy to join for those who love play music in LOTRO and want to be included in projects both grand and intimate!
Here is the description of my site as taken from the home page:
Welcome to Bugginses Bands!
This is my new guildlaunch site.
Within these forums I will be gathering all my different musical projects and inviting you all to join me.
I have four very different musical bands:-
Lilikate’s Musical Creatures – A “turn up as you are” or “Dress as a Critter” band of 10 or more musicians to play from the LMC set list.
(You do not need to be a member of this site to join in with the Critters).
The Starlight Orchestra – Within the one title we have three different musical groups.
Membership of Bugginses Bands is required for these groups.
TSO 24 – A Classical Orchestra of LOTRO musical instruments. We have a standard number of each instrument. There are 30 positions in this group (24 playing members and 6 understudies). As an undertaking of this size is very ambitious, members are required to “sign up” in advance.
TSO 14 – As with TSO 24 but with half the members and 3 understudies. Transcriptions for this group do not have to keep within any standard set of instruments.
TSO Big Band – 14 Musicians playing a variety of Jazz Classics arranged by Krohkur the Dwarf
Lilikate’s Clarinet Ensemble- A smaller group of musicians playing a variety of music on Clarinets.
LOTRO Music on Tour- This group will be taking our arrangements and playing on other servers.
Over the next few weeks I will be adding some polish to this site, adding dates to the calendar and links in the side menu. Your suggestions are welcome!
If you want to have a nosey, or are a musician from any server who would like to join in with an events or bands them come along check it out.
There is no requirement to sign up for everything, however the larger and more organisational intensive groups work better with dedicated members.
Remember to play with the creatures requires no membership but the positions I think will be filled very quickly!
Check the calendar and the forums for events!
You will need to have the Songbook Plugin installed and operational.
Contact me #Lilikate Buggins on twitter or Lilikatebuggins@gmail.com if you have any questions.