Where’s Tinki – Gwingris

Hullo Tinki Followers,

Last time we were searching for Tinki in Suri-kyla, in Forochel.

Answers from Where’s Tinki? – Suri-kyla.

Easy – Middle of the shot, standing before the waters edge in the shadows.

Medium – Standing on the Bridge.

A Challenge – There is a post just left to center of the screen shot. Tinki is in front of this post.


This is Tinki.


This week Tinki is hiding somewhere in Gringris.

Remember! Please think of others before leaving the answers in the comments.

This week we go back to the usual method of Tinki spotting, easy, medium and a challenge. Nice and easy for everyone this week 🙂

Answers on the next Where’s Tinki.




The Challenge




  1. Fun as always. How can you make them more fun? You can’t. Awesome job 🙂

  2. Goblinsbane /

    Oh, hard one is very easy this time. Or I had luck and my eyes went at once to that place 🙂

    • Lilikate Buggins. /

      I was being kind this week! The last two “Where’s Tinki’s” were a bit tough in the challenge screen shot.

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