This week there is not much news but a lot of fun. So much fun that we have 17 minutes of bloopers this week.
Blooper video here.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (42.4MB)
Game News
Players Petition to Bring Chance Thomas Back
Store Sales
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Also This Weekend
25% Boost On Mark Acquisition August 8th – 10th
LOTRO Players News
Poll: Which class would win in a fight?
Calling For LPN Origin Stories
LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 26: The Headless
LOTRO Academy: 95 – The Lost Hobnanigans Episode
LOTRO Video Highlights: “Millions of Players”
A Necromancer Above All – Part 4
Question of the Week
Are the benefits of server merges worth the negative effects that come with them?
Do server merges signify a game in decline?
A big thanks to Merryrose for the $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players:
“Hello to LOTRO Academy, Small Adventure, Player News, & LOTRO Outfits!
I started listening to the Academy a couple months after creating an account late this past March. I found it somehow after looking for other podcasts to listen to. Listening to Mysteri helped me feel more comfortable being a complete newbie. The last game I played was in grade school – Pac Man. LOTRO is the 1st online & MMO I’ve ever played so it has been a huge learning curve. I learned why everything was so hard, I was doing it all wrong!
Oh, please let me introduce myself. I am writing this because the main character – a woman LoreMaster (but will remain anonymous for reasons stated above) is busy journaling in her scholarly scrolls. In truth she is ever so nice & enjoyable but I am more fun & vivacious. LoreMaster will let me (cautiously) pet her companions. I like her Lynx because he’s small like me but Goldie the bear can be nice to snuggle up with on a cold night. I am the 2nd main character & my name is Merryrose Morningsong. I am on the Evernight server and you have probably guessed I am a hobbit mini. I am level 19 but am already a Journeyman Angler from the Summer Festival. I even have a new dress & a new pony (Summerdays Steed) from all the scavanger hunts & fishing. Did I mention I love to fish?
There is another character named Cambrenniel. I can’t remember her last name but she said it means Morning Star. She’s an elf hunter who likes to work with wood. She too is very quiet & serious. Good thing they have me to liven things up. Who else would set off fireworks when LoreMaster is making lightning strikes? How can you appreciate a bed without bouncing on it? (Cam was NOT amused at that.)
I have watched 4 episodes of LOTRO Small Adventures & loved them. My favorite was Oh, la la la la Crash! It had been a long day where something at work should have been easy but took all day long to complete. Hearing Lizzy sing the whole time put a huge grin on my face. Thank you Lillikate for the fantastic pictures & video of Dol Amroth. One day I’m gonna make it there myself.
Cithryth, I made sure to pass on the LoreMaster Eregion outfit detail to my LoreMaster. It’s a really cool outfit.
Andang, Draculetta, you are a pleasure to listen to. A lot is filed in the “For Reference Later” bucket but I appreciate the well thought out & factually presented pros/cons of an issue.
Pineleaf, thank you for mentioning the Stone of the Tortoise. It’s been nice to halt the XP in order to really get a feel of a region. Later on it might not be so much an issue but for now it is so enjoyable to totally immerse myself in Middle Earth. And your laugh is so fun to listen to.
Mysteri, I live to hear what you & Drac say each episode. I relistened to the Storage episode & laughed again so hard over the time Drac was invisible except for his weapons. Myst, I miss you so much when you are unable to attend. You add sparkle to a conversation.
My person has assured me that a donation has been sent your way. Doesn’t matter if you mention anything in this message or not. She just felt like she had sponged off your site long enough & wanted to pass a little joy your way.
Thanks for listening!
A hungry hobbit who refuses to deliver pies,
Merryrose Morningsong”
To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation pagewhere you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site. We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.
This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support.
Featured Comments
Fredelascommented on the Players Petition to Bring Back Chance Thomas article:
“This is nice, but if players really want more of this music, they should start a crowdfunding campaign and raise a couple hundred thousand dollars.”
Dgenxali left a comment on LOTRO Players News Episode 58:
“Hi guys n girls! I just wanted to throw my two cents on the zone. I am loving it, the dailies do not feel like a grind, the new group area is awesome, I like the difficulty of it. The new essence system is amazing! We finally get to create the stats that we want and everyone gets to be different n creative with their roles and classes. As always, excellent podcast. Keep up the great work.
Teriadwyn left a comment on this week’s poll:
“As much as I love Champions, I always feel outclassed and underpowered compared to everyone else. Except perhaps the burglar, who would win just by going invisible and then picking everyone else’s pockets after the dust has cleared.”
Cithryth left a comment on this week’s poll:
“I love my captain and all but is this really even a competition? I mean… Beornings can literally turn into bears!”
Zyngor left a comment on this week’s poll:
“Plot twist: Beornings are already in game…as lore-master pets. Thus, Beornings have no chance in winning a fight when a LM is also there (can’t believe I just defended the LM).”
Mike submitted an origin story this week about Cithryth:
“This is a tale of power, of greed and obsession. It is the story of Cithryth. She began her career in the LOTRO army as a mere private. But she quickly rose through the ranks to become a mighty Captain. They said she couldn’t do it, but the challenge was accepted. Soon Cithryth became bored of her rank. A captain might be good for some but she wanted to rule. At this time, she also developed a terrible obsession with Steel Blue Dye. Where could she quench her insatiable thirst?
One place on earth contained the massive amounts of Steel Blue Dye she required. You guessed it, Hobbiton New Zeeland. So she used a dizzying array of costume disguises and made her way toward a ship and sailed for N.Z. When she landed, to her horror, she realized she forgot her swords! How can you conquer a land and subjugate it’s inhabits without a weapon.
She thought long about her dilemma, and almost returned home. She needed an army, but how? Then it struck her, “I will use my most powerful weapon!” Her womanly charms. She quickly cast her spell on the Kinleader. He never stood a chance, and was a hopeless slave to her beauty. Now she had her army, Hobbiton and the Steel Blue Dye would be hers.
Grown men weep and women wail when they remember the horror that was the battle of Hobbiton. She now has more Dye than a person could ever use. But will it be enough? Her ambition knows no bounds. So beware LOTRO Players and arm yourself, I heard she is coming to America.”
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LOTRO Players @LOTROPlayers
Andang @PvMP_Andang
Braxwolf @Braxwolf
Cithryth @Cithryth
Draculetta @Draculetta_72
Ethelros @Ethelros
Lilikate @LilikateBuggins
Mysteri @Mysterixox
Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles
Final Thoughts
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LOTRO Players Adventures goes LIVE every Saturday at 5 p.m. server time.
Note: This week, Adventures will be on Monday (August 11) @ 8:30 server time.
LOTRO Players News goes LIVE every Saturday at 8:30 p.m. server time (Eastern).
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Thanks for watching!
Thanks for reading my submission. I love reference humor and it was fun to write.
Dear LOTRO Players Team,
All I can say is “Exactly what kind of Pipe-weed were you smoking during the bloopers session this week”?? and “Be sure to save some for me!”. Ohmygosh, Too funny.