LOTRO Store Sales 08/08/14 – 08/14/14

Free Sample Of The Week

August 8th – 14th

+5 Hope Boost (90 minutes) x1

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We are all about crafting this week in the LOTRO store sales

Ingredient Packs

35% Off 25-175 16-114

Drac Says – DO NOT BUY THESE.. It’s a waste of TP! Take some time and go farm for the your mats.. or look on the AH. Or ask a Kinmate! Thumbs_Down (Custom)

Crafting Guild Access

35% Off 295 192 vip_button_small_en

Drac Says – If you want to get to the higher levels of the guild in your profession then I would buy these, the higher the level the better the recipes are. meh_red (Custom)

Craft Experience Boosts

35% Off 150-1300 98-845

Drac Says – I would not buy these at all, but if have a ton of mats and want to fly through them, then I guess these would be handy to use Thumbs_Down (Custom)

Rapid Crafting Boosts

35% Off 150-300 98-195

Drac Says – I would not buy these at all, but if you really want to cut down on some the grind of crafting tiers then by all means go for it Thumbs_Down (Custom)

Complete Crafting Tiers

35% Off 1450-4600 943-2990

Drac Says – I would say to skip this as well. Just save your TP and grind it out Thumbs_Down (Custom)

Recipe Books

35% Off 50-550 33-325

Drac Says – DO NOT BUY! it’s not that hard to get the recipes. AH, Kinmates, World, Trade, GLFF, World Drops Thumbs_Down (Custom)
25% Boost
On Mark Acquisition
August 8th – 10th

3 thoughts on “LOTRO Store Sales 08/08/14 – 08/14/14”

  1. There is one case where the recipe books make sense; fireworks. When you can find them at all on the AH, the firework recipes from chest drops go on average for 15 gold each. T1 through T6 books together are 1,075 regular price, about 700 TP during this sale, and that will buy you all six colors available.

  2. If you’re not VIP, Crafting Guild access is the only way your characters can craft LI weapons and relics. This is critical for us F2P and Cheap To Play players.

  3. I’ll probably buy some crafting xp boosts since I’m working on metalworking for an alt.
    It cuts down on the time quite a lot.

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